The Ministry of Labor supports Shoprite consumer boycott … before workers' demonstration this week


The government through the Ministry of Labor made it clear that it was behind the call to boycott Shoprite while a potentially massive strike is on the horizon this week by injured Shoprite workers who protest unfair labor practices.

Hot soup following its widely criticized decision to prosecute 93 workers for N $ 4.3 million following a strike that took place three years ago.

Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Labor, Bro-Matthew Shingwadja, revealed that the boycott was supposed In fact, it was officially called on May 1 of this year but the model of the strategy had not yet been finalized.

"I think it's the right way to do it, we have engaged Shoprite over the past two and a half years on some of these issues to the extent that we even called the shareholders who came from 39, South Africa and that continued to be promising. "

" This year precisely, we wanted to meet them.We were told now that they are already too busy with others Then we said how can you say that when you are called by the government, you give the government a deadline of one month and we want to talk about these issues. "

" Then we said that it was an investor who did not take the government seriously.We talked to the Namibian Employers Association, where Shoprite is a member to voice our concerns to their member because we had planned that this situation would arise. I think this boycott should be supported, "said Shingwadja.

He said the reasons are that Shoprite's treatment of his staff is comparable to that of Walmart in the United States, that he is anti-union and suffers from a superiority complex whereas they choose and choose what is good for them.

"It's the concept of permanent holiday parties, we tell them that there is no such concept in Namibia." But because they use it in South Africa, they categorically refuse to change the system, "said the PS.

He adds that they have the advantage of having lawyers who defend themselves whenever problems of work practices arise.

He said that the company was dubious about the process of checking the number of employees that she owns while she claims to have 4,000 while the government does not know if these employees are in paid employment.

understand that it is not the power of money but the principle of good relations that builds business, he said.

Shingwadja said that Shoprite is free to deliver if he can not work well with Namibia and urged consumers to respond to the boycott call.

Attempts to call Shoprite officials yesterday proved futile as they dodged with other callers.

Babette Kamber, deputy director of human resources, declined to say whether the decision to prosecute the 93 employees had been taken by the Namibian or South African authorities.

She also declined to say if the business had started as usual the weekend calls for a massive boycott.

Union activist Herbert Jauch has long called for such a boycott and is happy that people are starting to see the light.

However, he criticized the Ministry of Labor for being proactive rather than taking drastic measures to help the situation in the stores.

He also encouraged retail workers to stick to a huge union rather than joining various unions without a majority.

"This is one of the biggest problems for workers right now.They are completely divided at the level of the workflow.They belong to three different unions and currently none of they have an absolute majority throughout the country, which puts them at a disadvantage, "he said.

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