South Sudan Joint Defense Commission Holds First Meeting


Sudanese General Isam al-Din Mubarak (C) and Ismail Wais (L) of IGAD open JDB meetings in Khartoum on November 25, 2018 (Photo IGAD)

25 November 2018 (KHARTOUM) – The South Sudanese military leaders of the signatories of the revitalized peace agreement held Sunday the first meeting of the Joint Defense Council (JDB).

In accordance with the revitalized peace pact, the JDB is composed of the Chiefs of Staff and the Directors General of the National Security Service, the police and all other organized forces. The leaders of the armed opposition groups will remain as commander-in-chief of their forces until the end of the pre-transition period or until the end of the unification process.

The JDB meeting, which was held in Khartoum, was chaired by Sudanese General Isam al-Din Mubarak, while IGAD Special Envoy Ismail Wasi delivered the keynote speech. # 39; opening.

The meeting discussed regulations and timelines before launching the process of implementing security arrangements, including troop disengagement, cantonment and joint training prior to the formation of unified forces.

The South Sudanese army chief of staff, General Gabriel Jok Riak, said another meeting would be held on Monday to discuss references to the security arrangements agreed between the parties, adding that meetings would continue for two days.

In a tweet posted on Sunday, the CTSAMVM welcomed "the creation of the Joint Defense Council and stands ready to support the parties by effectively monitoring the permanent ceasefire and transitional security agreements agreed in the R-ARCSS".

In a report presented at the plenary meeting of the Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (JMEC) revitalized in Addis Ababa on 19 November, the body responsible for monitoring the ceasefire and security arrangements called for the operational establishment of the various security organs.

"The key factor preventing the implementation of the disengagement process is the delay in the formation of security mechanisms, namely the Joint Defense Council (JDB) and the Joint Ceasefire Monitoring Commission (JMCC) and their subordinate bodies, "says the report.


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