Recap "The Flash": Season 5, Episode 7 – The tragic past of the cicada revealed


Fathers and girls were really a theme of the week The flashThe Thanksgiving (late) episode, as Nora became more and more frustrated by Barry's maniac, the little girl from Weather Wizard stormed Central City and Cicada's backstory was revealed.

When unusual weather conditions appear in Central City, including a thunderstorm leading to Barry's imminent death in front of an upset Nora team, the team suspects Mark Mardon, aka Weather Wizard, of being responsible. They go to Iron Heights, where the meta of season 1 was – and still is – cooled down when a mini tornado pierced the roof of the prison, and Mardon's daughter, Joss, came on the scene. Pipeline, thinking that Joss is here to bring Dad out, she gives Flash a deadline to produce pop … or whatever.

After learning from Mardon that he and Joss were not closed – he insisted that his baby mum focus on his (criminal) career – Team Flash concluded that Weather Witch was using a team from technologies. At the rendezvous, Barry delivers Mardon, to whom Joss immediately drops a Hummer, crushing him the "selfish cock" of a father. Only it was actually a hologram of Mardon, controlled remotely by Iris. Weather Witch flies off, swearing to charge Central City Flash's hoax.

Since Barry's imminent death, Nora is in a bad mood. Iris mistakenly assumes that it is because of the decision she fact that put Barry at risk earlier. But after the hologram incident, Nora tells Barry that he That's what annoys her: "You do not seem to care if you lose me!" Nora explains that she grew up angry at her father because she had disappeared, but because He was his hero, she directed her energies to evil metas (although Howif she had her powers only a short time before leaving in 2018?). Nora offers a solution to Barry so that he gives up the role of Flash, thus saving him from his future destiny. After all, if it hurt so much to lose a father that she barely knew, it would only hurt more now.

Deciding that the only way to fight the weather is with bad weather, Iris asks Nora's fish to be stored in Mark Mardon's wand, which she delivers to Barry on the tarmac at the airport where Weather Witch made area. When Joss raises a lightning tornado, Barry – with Nora's approval – uses the wand to stall all lightning, even if it means dangerously infusing his body with all this energy. He survives and releases him on Joss, koing him and allowing him to slap himself.

Subsequently, Nora says that she understands why her father has to sacrifice himself to save others, even if it might leave his family behind. But Barry explains that to save people, the person he thought most about the tarmac was Nora. He does not choose to be the Flash more than family; he is the flash for his family. And if the future demands it, he will sacrifice herself to save Nora and Iris.

Everyone – including Cisco and Sherloque, after Killer Frost appeared to take their picture, and Caitlin, come out of Thanksgiving's "Thanksless" funk! – then get together for a holiday treat.

Flash cicada OrlinMeanwhile, the flashbacks triggered by Barry's close conversation with Orlin Dwyer, aka Cicada, in front of the comatose girl's hospital room …

We learn that the little girl, Grace, is the orphan girl of Orlin's sister and her husband, killed in a meta-attack. At the time, Orlin was a big loser who had no interest in being a parent. But after serving too many leftovers at lunch and after learning that Grace hates him as much as himself, he swears to change his behavior and do the right thing.

Alas, it is during the one-year celebration of this promise, a year in which they began to make amends while preparing a home, that the Enlightenment occurred. And in the madness, a collapsed debris impaled Orlin with the shard that he now uses as a dagger, while Grace remained unconscious, to this day, due to a cerebral hemorrhage. At Grace's bedside while listening to a report on the latest meta, Gridlock, to hit a town, Orlin is pissed off to the point that the dagger pulled himself from his body across the room and landed by hand. He then states that he will fix things: "Every meta will die!"

Nowadays, Orlin makes a point of visiting Grace's bedside during Thanksgiving – a bet that does not bear fruit because, thanks to Sherloque's thought, it is taken by CCTV on Team Flash: "I present you Orlin Dwyer, "Aka Cicada!

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