Wellcome Collection exhibition to explore the psychology of magic, from sessions to modern distractions


Is magic all in the spirit? A new major exhibition in the Wellcome collection will seek to find the answer by exploring its relationship with psychology.

Smoke and Mirrors: The Psychology of Magic will be the first exhibition to focus on magic and the human spirit, tracing its history of 19th century sittings to contemporary illusionists.

A major theme of the series will be the mass appeal of seances, spiritualism and celebrity mediums, as well as the scientific research that surrounds them and the psychology that makes them so powerful.

It will also emphasize the power of the wrong direction, with elements used by Derren Brown and Tommy Cooper among those to be presented. Visitors will be able to learn how distractions and cognitive defects allow masters of art to persuade us to believe that we have seen magic in action.

The final theme of the exhibitions will be mentalism, exploring the role of magicians in decision-making and the idea that our minds can be restored.ad or controlled. The horoscopes, hypnotherapy and our sense of free choice will come under the microscope to show how just a simple trick can often have a major effect on our psychology.

The exhibits will include props, posters, films, and photographs, including a Ghost Detection Kit, Mind Shots, and a half-saw box used by Paul Daniels.

Smoke and mirrors: The psychology of magic will run from April 11 to September 15; wellcomecollection.org

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