Qualcomm CEO says battle with Apple is coming to an end


Qualcomm Headquarters

The battle between Qualcomm and Apple is heating up.
Photo: Qualcomm

Apple's battle against Qualcomm has been raging for two years, but an end may finally be in sight. Perhaps.

In an interview with CNBCJim Cramer, Steve Mollenkopf, CEO of Qualcomm, said the company was currently "on the doorstep" of a resolution with Apple.

Mollenkopf told the Crazy money that the two companies "talk" and even extended an olive branch saying that Qualcomm "would like to work with Apple again". This is especially true for 5G technology.

Although it seems that there are still some details to settle, Mollenkopf has invoked a sports analogy to explain the degree of resolution. This is, he said, "the fourth quarter of the match and not the first quarter."

A resolution in the works?

This is not the first time we hear about the resolution of the Qualcomm / Apple dispute. A report released in August, citing sources in the supply chain, suggested the two companies improve their relationship in 2019 – probably more than 5G.

Indeed, they think it would be too risky for Apple to bet on producing 5G smartphones by adopting non-Qualcomm chips. Qulacomm is one of the leaders in 5G chip technology.

During a the Wall Street newspaperIn his interview with the D.Live technical conference, Mollenkopf previously stated that he believed that the company's quarrel with Apple could be resolved – even if it depended on the negotiated right to negotiate.

Apple vs Qualcomm

The Apple-Qualcomm dispute began in January 2017 when Apple sued Qualcomm for withholding $ 1 billion in price cuts because Apple helped South Korean regulators investigate Qualcomm's activities. .

Since then, it has turned into a legal battle with more twists than a pretzel, the two companies continuing and prosecuting. Qualcomm claims that Apple owes it a huge royalty of $ 7 billion.

However, it seems that Apple is not as eager to settle as some hope. "There is absolutely no significant discussion going on between us and Qualcomm, and there is no regulation in sight," a source at Apple recently said. Reuters. "We are preparing for the trial."

Source: CNBC

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