Bret Hart supports Movember's message on men's health


The brothers Bret and Smith Hart have spent years fighting and countless opponents in the wrestling ring.

But that never prepared them for a battle against prostate cancer, which they both had to face at the same time.

Diagnosed in January 2016, Bret is grateful that he was caught early.

"We were diagnosed at about the same time. As I was going into surgery, he was just beginning to discover that his cancer was out of control, "he said.

"I think my brother Smith was stubborn, like me, in search of some kind of grace that saves in secret. In the end, you realize that's what it is.

"I started to get control at 40 years old. I was checked, I was lucky. "

His brother, however, was not so lucky. Smith lost his fight on July 2, 2017 – a day when his brother Bret said he wanted to never come.

"He always looked at me every day with that empty, sad look and said," I just wish I was checked, "he said every day for the last six months, he said.

"I really think it was a failure on my brother's part. . . he just always ignored the warnings.


Bret believes that the message about the need for men to get tested for cancer is slowly but surely beginning to dissipate – largely because of the Movember campaign.

The campaign, which runs until November, sees many men pushing the mustache to educate people about their health issues, such as prostate cancer and testis.

Many also raise funds to contribute to cancer research and prevention.

"Movember is like ringing a bell, reminding everyone that it's a cancer that hits everyone's family one way or another, sooner rather than later," he said. .

"I think what Movember does with mustaches is really good. It sends a simple but strong message across the country. You see a lot of bad whiskers at this time of year, but you also know that the message is going through.

"Just working with your blood can save your life."

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