A Botswana mask adds warmth to the hunt debate with an elephant attack tweet


The Masisi government was scandalized by former country president Ian Khama, by international environmental advocates and by Hollywood celebrities, including the presenter of the show. debate Ellen Degeneres.

DOSSIER: The President of Botswana, Mokgweetsi Masisi. Image: AFP

JOHANNESBURG – The tweet of Mokgweetsi Masisi, President of Botswana, expressed his condolences on the death of a man who was "brutally attacked by an elephant" added to the heated debate over the lifting of the ban on hunting in this country.

The Masisi government was scandalized by former President Ian Khama, international environmental advocates and Hollywood celebrities, including presenter Ellen Degeneres.

His critics accuse him of lifting the ban by spite Khama who imposed it, but his government maintains that its motives are to protect human beings and cultures.

Masisi told the world on Twitter that Balisi Sebudubudu had been attacked by an elephant while he and other young men were raising cattle.

He says it happened 24 hours after responding to an elephant protester in Las Vegas.

The 42 US public relations firm West said Botswana had hired him to communicate his decision to lift the ban on hunting the elephant.

Reactions show that some see in Masisi's tweet a repression after Khama's resignation from the ruling party and said he would support the opposition in the upcoming elections.

Masisi supporters accused Khama of taking more care of elephants than of those who were killed.

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