A local study determines the role of dung beetles as sensitive ecological markers


The field work of a Namibian scientist helped bring to light the humble dung beetle, a sensitive indicator of the state of ecosystems in various biological niches.

When Heather Nependa had to write a title for her research in a master's degree in entomology at the University of Stellenbosch, she chose the dungeons for their close association and their dependence on other larger animals, mainly mammals, and realized later that they are also a kind of robust detector to determine the health of an ecosystem. In finalizing her research framework, she and her research leader decided on the title "Bark beetles as indicators of ecological disturbances in Namibia over a gradient of resources and land use". His intention was to demonstrate "the fragility of our ecosystems and the disruption of one thing can penetrate entire ecosystems. "

Although she was completely hooked on the subject of the dung beetle, she faced a major hurdle when he came to work on the ground.Very few organizations were interested in the subject.

"It is difficult to get funding for a project like this that does not focus on a charismatic and attractive species." Fund and its holistic approach sustainable development, which contributed to the advancement of her research.This then opened up a wonderful world to her.

At the beginning of her work, she noticed that there is a correlation between d & # 39; Other biological factors and the density and distribution of different types of dung beetles The beetles do not just pick up faeces, they also help disperse the seeds and clean the dung bush, while putting the essential nutrients back into the soil. floor I They are the number one recyclers of nature.

"Although their way of life is strange and perhaps a bit disgusting, the work they do is crucial for the function of ecosystems," she said. It is strongly affected by the density and diversity of plants and, above all, by the manure resources. This means that they give an indication of the quality of the habitat and the impact of environmental changes on the landscapes. In addition to cleaning excrement, the actions of these animals are of considerable ecological importance. In addition to measuring the impact of climate change, the study of dung beetles could also be a good way to measure whether current conservation efforts are effective, "she said.

Nependa's research project explores and evaluates the effects of comparing a natural landscape to modified areas, such as farms, by analyzing the diversity and abundance of the dung beetle. Early observations indicate that disturbed lands, such as farms and agricultural parcels, have less diversity and smaller populations, while protected areas have more species and higher population densities. For example, she noticed that a single grove of elephant dung could attract several thousand dung beetles in a short time

. Her field work also led to local discoveries, as she found several previously unknown species in Namibia.

To date, only a few studies have examined the dung beetles and their general status, diversity and ecology in Namibia. Nependa's work has already begun to expand the limited knowledge of these insects.

Caption: The ubiquitous dung beetle has much more to offer than entertaining tourists as they continue their odious race. These are sensitive indicators of the well-being of ecosystems, and despite their number, they face several threats. The large copris beetles are killed by the hundreds when they fly in the flood lights at night, and they are prone to lice infestation, which can be seen here as a small white dot immediately above leg on the left. (Photograph of Heather Nependa)

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