A study shows that previous research has over-simplified the symptoms of schizophrenia


The appearance of schizophrenia in young adults can put an immediate end to the goals of life, with a set of particularly debilitating symptoms.

The negative symptoms of schizophrenia can be so disabling that they prevent a person from going to school, starting a fulfilling career and even living independently.

In a recent study published by JAMA psychiatryUNLV psychology professor Daniel Allen and his colleagues suggest a new way to categorize the negative symptoms of schizophrenia, which could affect research and treatment in the coming years.

Previous literature has suggested that the negative symptoms of schizophrenia should be classified into two categories. Allen and his colleagues suggest that this view is too simplified. To reflect the complexity of the disease and to target more specific treatments, Allen suggests classifying symptoms into five categories.

Allen says that it's important to understand the symptoms of schizophrenia in order to be able to measure them accurately. "Measuring these symptoms correctly allows us to judge whether the person is improving or worsening," Allen said. "Or if we develop drugs that are actually useful for the disorder that they have or are not useful for."

Measuring the symptoms of schizophrenia and other mental disorders can be difficult because it strongly depends on what people are telling their doctor of the symptoms they are experiencing. This differs from a disease such as cancer, where the effectiveness of treatments can be measured in relation to the size of a tumor and if it contracts.

Therefore, scientists like Allen should be as specific as possible when assessing people with schizophrenia. Special attention is given to the types of symptoms experienced by people with schizophrenia, including negative symptoms.

His study, which he wrote with Gregory P. Strauss – his former student at UNLV and his current assistant professor of psychology at the University of Georgia – highlights the complexity of the disease and its symptoms.

"People with schizophrenia will continue to have these persistent negative symptoms that hinder their ability to function, live independently, hold a job, get married and other important activities and life goals." , and we need better treatments for them, "Allen said. "This is one of the areas of schizophrenia for which a lot of recent research is interested in developing new drugs or behavioral interventions that can address these symptoms so people can start living. normally".

What are the negative symptoms?

Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder. Most people associate schizophrenia with unusual or bizarre symptoms, such as hearing voices or seeing non-existent things, delusional beliefs, disorganized thinking and behavior. But other symptoms, qualified as negative symptoms by scientists, represent normal behaviors and abilities lost by the person. These symptoms usually lead to long-term functional impairment.

Negative symptoms include the inability to experience pleasure, the inability to motivate oneself, the inability to socialize, the decreased or total lack of facial expressions and the reduced amount of speech.

"I think what we are hoping for is that this study, and similar studies, will help us better understand the types of symptoms experienced by people with schizophrenia and the types of treatments that are helpful in improving these symptoms." Allen said.

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