Amazon Alexa can now adjust the equalizer of your Echo – Tech News


New equalization and sound mode controls come to select Alexa devices, allowing users to simply tell their speakers to "go up the bass" or "set the sport mode".

More households adopt smart devices distributed devices for easy listening in all rooms. To control settings, such as volume or bass, most devices require users to open an application or tap on the speaker. Amazon, however, has found a way to boost and simplify the playback experience by voice command.

This week Amazon has announced its new equalizer and sound mode controls for some Alexa-enabled devices, allowing its American customers to customize the sound of their audio through speech. Supported speakers will include the brand's own Echo family, as well as some third-party options, such as the new Sonos Beam and Polk Command Bar.

"Alexa, mounts the bass", "Alexa, mounts treble", or "Alexa, set the TV mode",

It's as simple as that.

There are three supported bands (Bass, Midrange, Treble) that define audio frequency ranges, and different devices can be set to different outputs. to reach the good sound. Those who take their films seriously may want to set the front speaker to "Bass" and another to "Treble" for a more immersive experience. Once the equalizer is set to the listeners' preference, it will remain so for all its played later. What happens if what sounds good during the movie may not be as good for a podcast? The equalizer settings can be changed with the help of a simple command.

Five preset modes allow non-audiophiles to get the right settings based on what they're listening to: movie, music, night, sports and television

The developer blog, which details the upcoming new features, does not indicate when or if it will be available outside the United States in the near future. – AFP Relaxnews

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