Ambassadors pledge to boost trade and investment


The newly appointed Namibian ambassadors and high commissioners have promised to sell the country's development agenda and strengthen trade and investment with their host countries.

President Hage Geingob has appointed 14 new High Commissioners and Ambassadors appointed to represent the country abroad.

The former managing director of the Namibia Airports Company, Albertus! Aochamub, who has been appointed ambassador to France, has promised to strengthen relations between the two countries in order to enrich and develop Namibian initiatives in manufacturing and recovery.

! Aochamub will also be responsible for Portugal, Spain and Italy, as well as the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco).

He said that he would advance Namibia's program on climate change and conservation, as well as trying to secure funding for climate change projects.

Apart from this,! Aochamub said the program of his stay in France would focus on the program of economic diplomacy.

"We live in a country where climate change has a fundamental impact on all our communities. Therefore, we should do everything in our power to promote this program bilaterally, "he added.

Linda Scott, who previously served on the Permanent Mission to the United Nations, has been appointed Ambassador to the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland.

In an interview with The Namibian Yesterday, Scott said his priority as a representative of Namibia in the UK would be to focus on Brexit in order to avoid any negative impact on Namibia and Southern Africa.

She added that she would also introduce Namibia's Commonwealth development agenda to "see how we can be more involved in the Commonwealth and how we can benefit more from technical assistance."

"London is one of the economic clusters and we are looking for ways to continue to leverage it. We will also try to find ways for our products to enter this market. We have sent our beef and our grapes to the UK, so we will see how we can continue to send these products.

"I think Brexit will not have much impact on our market access. The Sacu region has negotiated with Great Britain to make sure that once out of the EU, we are not losing anything, "she said.

Permanent Secretary for Home Affairs Patrick Nandago, who has been posted to Angola, said he would build on the success of his predecessor to ensure that "we are strengthening these bilateral relations in terms of promotion. trade and investment ".

"We have a lot of bilateral programs, some are ongoing and others are in the works. We discussed the construction of the hydroelectric plant, it is an ongoing project and we have partnered with other projects. It's just a matter of resource mobilization, "he noted.

The former National Council president, Asser Kapere, stationed in Botswana, said his five-year stay in that country would aim to promote tourism and the integration of the transport sector.

Kapere said that his vast experience would support him, compared to many young people.

"I am a long-time executive, who served the nation long before and after independence, so my experience will be more useful to me than those who look younger than me," he added.

The other new ambassadors announced yesterday are Clemens Kashuupulwa, governor of Oshana, who is going to Russia; the former Permanent Secretary of the State House, Samuel / Goagoseb, who was sent to Cuba; and the former Namibian High Commissioner in Britain, George Liswaniso, who was posted to Sweden.

Nada Kruger is the new ambassador to Austria, while the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Commerce, Gabriel Sinimbo, is the new High Commissioner in India.

Morven Luswenyo, former high commissioner in South Africa, has been posted to Japan.

In the meantime, the Secretary of the National Council, Emilia Mkusa, has been appointed Permanent Representative of the African Union; Penda Naanda assumes responsibility at the United Nations; Simon Ulenga has been posted to the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Haindongo Siyave is the new High Commissioner of Namibia in Zambia.

At the announcement, Geingob encouraged new ambassadors to strengthen Namibia's relations with their host countries.

The president also urged diplomats to be aware of the socio-economic challenges facing Namibia and the steps taken by the government to address them.

"You are very familiar with the interests of Namibia and your host countries, and I believe that you share my desire to preserve and improve those relationships. I count on you to regularly and faithfully inform your host countries about economic opportunities and other developments, "said Geingob.

Diplomats also had to become familiar with the country's statistics and be reliable and accurate in their reports.

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