Apple MacBook Pro 2018 – Why this new laptop is what many pros were waiting for


  Apple MacBook Pro 2018

Apple MacBook Pro 2018 (Image: APPLE)

Apple has completely renewed its range of laptops in 2016 with the introduction of the MacBook Pro drastically new .

This device came with updates including a stunning new look, an updated keyboard and interactive Touch Bar that transforms itself when you switch from one task to the other.

With a sharper Retina display, lighter design, and improved processor, things are even better for those who want to buy a new MacBook – especially if you're a pro user.

Apple has just updated a big update for its high-end laptops that add key enhancements such as an eye.

However, the most important addition to these new machines may lie under the aluminum hood

. proves the performance of its latest MacBooks with the 15-inch model by displaying speeds up to 70% faster than those of its predecessor.

  Apple MacBook Pro 2018 "title =" Apple MacBook Pro 2018 "data-w =" 590 "data-h =" 355 "/> </p>
<p><span class= Apple MacBook Pro 2018 can now be configured with 4TB of storage (Image: APPLE)

This additional grunt comes via an Intel Core 6-core 8th-generation processor on the 15-inch MacBook Pro and an 8-generation Intel Core quad-core processor on the 13-inch model.

On the largest laptop, it is also possible to add up to 32GB of DDR4 memory that will allow users

Another bonus for professionals is the ability to configure new Macs with a huge 4TB storage which should mean the end of the additional external hard drives transport.

be excited about what these new portable powers really like to use? 9004] spoke to a number of professionals who have already opted our 2018 MacBook Pro and the return is extremely encouraging.

In real-life situations such as video editing, special effects, photography and application design the MacBook Pro sets new standards for speed and efficiency.

An application developer told us that he sees tremendous time savings with the new Pro capable of making projects at much faster speeds. ) RED in pictures

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  iPhone 8 (PRODUCT) RED in pictures


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iPhone 8 (PRODUCT) RED in pictures

Spruce Campbell, student and The developer of BAFTA's winning games said: "Normally when I make it I spent ten minutes on my old MacBook Pro but I saw it sliced ​​in a few seconds.

" My time's up. Iteration was so much faster on the new MacBook, it only took me a week to get there. concept to a playable prototype. "

Peter Eszenyi, Territory Studios." Visual FX Supervisor and creative chef who has worked on movies like Guardians of the Galaxy, The Martian and BladeRunner 2049 has also seen tremendous improvements since it's passed to the new laptop.

"On the set every second costs a crazy amount of money that's extremely it's important to be able to react very quickly and with these new MacBooks we are able to render rendering much faster. "

Video editing seems to be an area where the new MacBook Pro excels with James Tomkin, director of Hangman Studios.

Hangman is a production and post-production company that makes movies for bands and brands for digital, broadcasting and cinema

  Apple MacBook Pro 2018 "title =" Apple MacBook Pro 2018 "data-w =" 590 "data-h =" 261 "/> </p>
<p><span class= Apple MacBook Pro 2018 (Image: Apple)

  Apple MacBook Pro 2018

Features of the Apple MacBook Pro 2018 s True Tone Display (Image: APPLE)

The latest 2018 MacBookPros Apple are taking our work turn to a higher level.

James Tomkin, director of Hangman Studios

"The current MacPro trash (2013 models) has changed the way we work on the road when it was launched," says Tonkin.

"As for us, its size and form factor made the Mac perfect for going out on carefully packaged circuits in our complete carry-on with a 15" display and RAID disks.

"This became our touring tour from 2014 until now, a supercharged laptop, which allowed us to launch any type of camera (mostly 6K RED) and the most popular camera. quickly edit multicam within FCPX anywhere or anyplace

"We literally install this station in hotels, places and trains. "Apple's latest 2018 MacBookPros are taking our workflow to the next level."

"We're always looking for faster, smaller technology to use on the road. The physical footprint of the equipment we use has a great impact on our daily life on the road, especially since we literally wear it all the time with us.

"As the camera formats we shoot evolve from 6K to 8K, as well as the hardware we use to edit and finish with.

  Apple MacBook Pro 2018" title = "Apple MacBook Pro 2018" data-w = "590" data-h = "379" /> </p>
<p><span class= A new keyboard should improve the experience (Image: Apple)

  Apple MacBook Pro 2018 "title =" Apple MacBook Pro 2018 " data-w = "590" data-h = "376" /> </p>
<p><span class= Apple MacBook Pro 2018 is up to 70% faster (Image: APPLE)

"The combination of 39 A fast 6-core CPU with external eGPUs makes the new 2018 MacBookPros an excellent portable workstation, combining power and portability We need flexibility when we work on the go.

"The deadlines dictate that we sometimes need to work wherever we are and not always with luxury." Notebooks will always be the best workstations for this reason as we have often edited the content for delivery to the back of a tour bus leaving the venue or on the way to the airport for the next show.

"Every piece of equipment we choose should allow us to work faster, more efficiently and at a higher level than the previous one."

"These 2018 MacBookPros certainly seem to fit this criteria – to become the base of our portable workstations go from the front."

Thus, the new MacBook Pro seems to be making a printing on the creative industry that require more power for more intensive tasks. will bring our own thoughts on the new 2018 MacBook in the coming weeks, but the first signs seem to be good.

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