Article 21, Basic Freedoms, WhatsApp, fb, Messenger and SMS


Robbie Thompson

An incident involving a prominent Namibian citizen occupying a high and visible position motivated this writing. During the rugby match played at Keetmanshoop in the 1980s, an opponent (white) of our very learned had a mouthful to pronounce.

As the devil will have it, the young and insolent adversary had to appear before the Keetmanshoop magistrate. Court and the prosecutor was a certain John Walters. I will leave the rest of the story to the very fertile imagination of our esteemed readers – a little later in the article.

Today, no matter who with a Chinese import and Samsung can access virtually any social media platform and let it rip. Even those who currently reside very comfortably in Namibia have a lot to say regarding Julius Malema and his colleagues. To say that the contribution of the fb is at the limit of the hate speech, it is the least that one can say.

Then come our football experts with lineups, summing up 120 minutes of football in England Premier League (EPL), technical expertise and solutions for chess. aging foreign coaches.
Next online is my favorite: The rugby expert. "Kyk, vandag k @ k daai All Blacks, met supporters of Hulle in"! Needless to say, the most vindictive, hateful, racist and shameful messages come out.

Now, I'm not too innocent when it comes to verbal jousting, but God knows there are limits. I remember that in 1990 or soon after, we had unification talks and the new government recognized a single unified rugby corps.
So we had to talk to each other and it was the Suidwes Afrika United Rugby (SWARU) Rugby Union (NANRU), who had to bury the hatchet.

I warmly remind Oom Gert Muller, President of SWARU. Being a lawyer and a little korrelkop grump it could be sometimes extremely difficult. John Walters was the president of NANRU and led the negotiations.

During a break, we had to retreat to the Northern Stand, known as "Hoenderhok" or Pavilion Oom Boesman, with reference to the Ombudsman. is his favorite seat in the house! Remember, we were only visitors and, for the record, there was a unified body, the Namibia Rugby Union (NRU), but I doubt that the unification took place until the this day, 28 years of democracy – it's just passing by, more to follow in the article.

Then comes the sports traveler, jaded – Constantinople and Cape Town are regular pop-up points, accompanied by selfies after three hours of grooming! The Blesser does a good job. Period. The Prophet Bushiri has his followers and the market is huge.

Whatsapp groups, now this is the most interesting section in my case. A group for the family, one for fishing, one for the church, one for the farm, one for the clients, one for the council, one for the …… and so on.
Never underestimate the power of persuasion over these groups. Very easily, when people fall into a pile of poop, the same item 21 is brandished, despite the abuse, shit and more holy than the attitude that has been presented.
Then they shout "Freedom of expression" or "on" jaar onafhanklik "#! Think of all the other freedoms and privileges we enjoy.

The political will and even the basic understanding of the socio-political landscape, by our leaders, are non-existent or simply insignificant. I think that the mantra and the old song of peace and tranquility are paramount.
How can we have peace of mind when we are all bombarded every day with nonsense and unrepentant abuse?
The same type of young rugby player people at the beginning of the peace process that continues today like 30 years ago! In sports, it's so obvious as the light of day.

In the private sector, economic blackmail and intimidation continue unabated while politically it is the same. Socially and spiritually are we on the edge of the gutter perhaps?
Well, I'm damn happy to embrace social media with its many pitfalls and pitfalls and hopefully be more responsible in what I publish, for fear of treading on Article 21. Someone is sitting on my case!

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