Chipeio takes the world of business and law


By Natasha Jacha

Christoffer Chipeio, who does not take the example of the world of business and law, now heads the legal compliance, governance and secretary department of Nedbank Namibia.

Christoffer Chipeio, a graduate of the University of Stellenbosch He started as a legal practitioner in a business law firm before becoming a deputy legal advisor then a compliance officer, until he became a lawyer. that he join the green bank. His first position at Nedbank was as a risk analyst while he was working to move up the ranks to be promoted to the position of Legal Counsel and Head of the Legal Department. He quickly felt the need to diversify his exposure within the banks and joined the Retail and Business Banking team as Area Manager overseeing the Windhoek and Nedloans branches.

In April of this year, he joined the Risk Governance, Compliance and Corporate Secretary division.

Often misunderstood, the role of a corporate secretary in an organization is an essential element to ensure the smooth running of the company. The Corporate Secretary is the custodian of the Corporate Governance Portfolio and is the primary responsible for the responsible administration, for example, ensuring compliance with the Companies Act, guiding members of various governance structures, convene meetings and maintain statutory registers.

The responsibility for this role is immense, because the failure of the execution of this role can have disastrous consequences. abuses that have the potential to erode value and may even lead to legal, criminal or ethical violations. This profession therefore requires a very high level of awareness, versatility, critical analysis, problem solving, verbal and written linguistic competence as well as affirmation, emotional intelligence and creativity.

For a young person looking to follow Christoffer's career path to study a law degree with a business background, namely B.Com LLB, B.Acc. LLB. He calls on young people to look at the profession from a new perspective.

"Namibia is particularly in need of ethical and competent governance A fundamental aspect of financial prosperity lies in the separation between the individual and his corporation, which allows for risk mitigation and sharing. rewards, which promotes the company and the involvement of investors in the innovative efforts of individuals.Benefits should be midwives in the process of birth of innovation and prosperity in complex legal mechanisms, "he said.

Chipeio did not always consider entering the world of business and law, in fact he wanted to become a doctor and even to apply in a completely opposite field – mechanical engineering.

Today, he is grateful for the path that he has decided to take instead and has his roots firmly rooted in the profession. like d In most disciplines, he anticipates that the discipline he likes will see a change in the future. "With the rise of the intelligent machine, legal careers will undergo a revision and redefinition that will increasingly involve a collaborative practice between the man and the machine." He looks to the future and the future. predicts that human lawyers will assume a greater role of supervision and empathy by providing more personalized legal services to clients and providing the anthropological assurances that people can demand, despite their interaction with robots. that legal services will become easily accessible through applications and will become increasingly affordable.

In the meantime, the legal profession offers young people in Namibia ample opportunity for professional development

., its involvement in business high-value work and its commercial transactions, its role as a leader in a respected banking institution and The completion of the coveted management development program at the University of Stellenbosch are just some of the milestones in his career. And judging by his personal mantra, "Gratitude Builds Attitude and Raises Altitude!", There are only bigger things expected from this dynamic professional law.

His advice to young people in high school, "spending time in school exceptionally well, read books that motivate you to succeed, carefully choose your friends and put God first."

share a good helping hand to stay on track to achieve personal goals. As his wife is his biggest supporter, his mother as his compass for his faith and his outstanding leaders like Lionel Matthews, Christoffer has everything he needs to do it. structures in place to work towards achieving its goal of leading its own group of companies and building platforms to launch the next generation of multisectoral leaders. In ten years, he hopes to accomplish great things for himself and for his country.

Until then, he takes every opportunity to grow at Nedbank and contribute to the green revolution in the banking sector

"Nedbank is on the brink of a major opportunity to have an impact on Namibia, "he said and took a seat at the table to bring about this change of culture. He hopes to expand and bring his vision not only in his personal life but also in society.

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