Chiradza jailed for three years


Medical doctor Yeukai Chiradza, who was convicted of three counts of culpable homicide and careless driving by the Karibib court of law, was sent to prison on Friday for three years.

The Karibib police told Nampa after investigation that the doctor had been sentenced to three years and six months in prison.

The four charges result from a car accident that occurred on the Karibib-Usakos main road in the Erongo area, in which he was involved in July 2015, where three people lost their lives.

The dead are Welmine Louw, his son Konrad Louw and his sister Alet Junius.

Chiradza pleaded not guilty to charges when the trial began before Magistrate Uchen Konjore in Karibib court on March 22, 2018.

Attorney Eden Amutenya represented the state.

Chiradza made the headlines after a video clip of his vehicle was driving recklessly on the road between Otjiwarongo and Okahandja earlier this year, was broadcast on social media. In the video, the Mercedes Benz vehicle from Chiradza was seen driving towards oncoming vehicles

Oncoming vehicles several times had to deviate from the road to avoid a frontal collision. Chiradza, a Zimbabwean, was employed by the Ministry of Health and Social Services as a doctor in Otjiwarongo and was suspended after the video became viral

The Otjiwarongo-Okahandja trial is still ongoing against the doctor .

– Nampa

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