Commonwealth University just owned, Venaani's defense


The institution, which on November 14 awarded an honorary doctorate to McHenry Venaani, president of the Popular People's Movement, called an article in The Namibian about its legitimacy "incorrect" and "misleading".

In a statement of November 22, the Commonwealth University said that "clarifications" were "necessary to clarify things", following an article in The Namibian November 21, which cast doubt on the credibility of the institution and the powers of its principal

The statement from Commonwealth University praised Venaani as a "world-renowned director, thus making him very deserving of the honorary doctor of law degree from Commonwealth University."

And he defends the granting of honorary doctorates stating that "whether awarded by Harvard, Oxford or any other institution, honorary doctorates are not covered by any accreditation system. These are not university degrees. These are honorary degrees issued to recognize and praise the achievements of a person in his career and in his life, so as to encourage the individual and also to encourage others to emulate hard work and the humble recipient's contributions.

"Therefore, to say that the Hon. McHenry Venaani paid the price is not only incorrect but also misleading. The question that should be asked by all Namibians is whether the remarkable achievements of the Honorable McHenry Venaani are obvious or not, and whether it deserves or not to be celebrated, "reads the statement.

The statement also addresses the issue of accreditation of the Commonwealth University by other agencies and states in this regard that "the Commonwealth University is an accredited member of the Commonwealth University. International Association for Distance Learning ( Commonwealth University programs, which include ICMCI competency model courses, are all approved for Certified Management Consultant (CMC) certification. "

In addition, the statement states that "Commonwealth University has been awarded the UNESCO Learning Badge to advance the internationalization of education. This UNESCO certification is valid until 2023 (5 years) ".

Regarding matters relating to its operations and accreditation in the United Kingdom, the institution states: "Existing British law allows non-UK institutions, such as Commonwealth University, a registered Panamanian institution, to operate in the United Kingdom. United. Although Commonwealth University has an office and a partner school in the United Kingdom, it is not a British university and the degrees awarded by the Commonwealth University are strictly those of Commonwealth University as an international trading company registered under the jurisdiction of Panama and are not those of any British university. "

Regarding the "negative publicity" of one of the institution's top officials, Professor David Iornem, the statement challenges information alleging alleged corruption against Iornem in 2013 and 2014 by calling them "politically capable of harming a highly perceived opponent". corruption charges were withdrawn against Iornem, but the online reports did not reflect this.

"The articles that the Namibian newspaper has been able to meet are the government-sponsored online media / NUC / ICPC to tarnish Professor Iornem's image. I say that because we approached the same media to inform them of the update of the court judgments, but they refused to publish the details, "reads the statement.

Regarding Iornem's academic credentials, the statement says that he "had a brilliant track record in his academic career", exposing some of his accomplishments, and reiterating that the attacks on his name were "an unfounded and politically motivated defamation campaign" by various Nigerian authorities.

The statement goes on to say that it was "unfortunate that the Namibian publication relies solely on online newspaper publications that are used by politicians to drive their witches out of their political enemies."

The journalist also deliberately made several unsubstantiated claims about the Chancellor and the Head of Department, which we believe is intended to mislead the public.

"We want to assure our esteemed alumni of the integrity of the awards they have received," he concludes.

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