Couch Cat: The Crazy Hook – Windhoek Observer


In these difficult economic times, some pleasant distractions are needed, otherwise people might start to feel overwhelmed by life. If you do not spend too much time worrying about what you can no longer afford, then you will be better able to get through the slump of the recession. The hook is another of my distractions.

Many of us did DIY when they were kids and a few of us are still doing pretty good things now, as far as their schedules allow. Let me encourage all my readers to go back and find that clever thing you did when you were younger and start over. Many of us have done DIY while the kids and some of us still do cute things now that our schedules allow. . Let me encourage all my readers to go back and find that clever thing you did when you were younger and start over.
Some of you have cooked fancy goods, made jewelery, painted notebooks, photographs, ceramics, knitting or crocheting, or huge puzzles. Rediscover some of these old things, they are really fun.
I learned to knit and crochet very young child. I made my mother so happy with such youthful energy that ballet and piano lessons, softball teams and reading books were not enough to keep me out. So, she taught me about sewing and craftsmanship. I'm not a hook expert (I abandoned knitting as boring) but it still gives me joy and that's all that matters.
Over the years, the school holidays were the only times when I could finish crochet projects, but when I had my babies, I started croching regularly again. I started making blankets, throws and shawls, then scarves and sweaters. Since my mother went on crocheting, we got closer to common style lessons and patterns.
Here in Windhoek, I found a nice little wire shop in the old power station. They have beautiful colors and textures of thread skeins as well as all the elements needed for needle projects. With the Internet, you can also order from South African wool factories if you can not get what you need locally. Crocheted pattern books are available on Amazon for under $ 3 and videos on how to make most points are available for free on YouTube.
Know that crocheting serious projects can be a bit expensive, depending on the quality of the textiles you use. Nevertheless, I find that it's cheaper than shopping, spending time in cafes or going out for dinner. Thus, when I have a moment of "dead time", the hook can fill some scary moments, which allows me to face the world with a balanced and optimistic attitude.
I find that when I hook, my fingers are busy while my mind is working on problems or just going off. For example, a pipe broke out last month and, with the excess of drought added to the city's water bills, I am faced with a bill of N $ 7,500 for water use only. I can not afford this amount. But, instead of worrying me, not sleeping and worrying, I sat down with my hook and let my brain calm down and solve the problem. By occupying my fingers, frees my mind even more.
When I travel to the United States to visit my family, the round trip with a discounted ticket can take up to 31 hours, including stopover. I finished the sweaters during this long trip. The long hours of traveling are less painful because I can not sleep on board a plane. Although I could never really care about my children making blankets, I showed them that the hook is also useful for plaiting hair. Fingers, skillful and skilled fingers can be used for precise and clever movements, laying extensions and creating dreadlocks. The precision of sewing techniques can be a transferable crafting skill, especially for sewing and repairing your own clothes.
Find (or rediscover) your world of leisure and get started. Peace of mind awaits you!

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