Crime decreases 5.4% in the Hardap region


CRIMES reported to the police in the Hardap region dropped by 5.4% during the 2017/18 fiscal year.

The figures also show that about 5,332 cases were reported to the police during the 2017/18 fiscal year, compared to 5,634 in the previous period.

Hardap Governor Esme Isaack revealed these statistics during his State of the Region address on Tuesday, adding that the most common crimes in the area were assaults with the intention of causing serious bodily injury. war crimes, rape, burglary, theft of stock and drug offenses.

Police also confiscated narcotics valued at N $ 254,663 during the previous fiscal year.

whole packages of cannabis, as well as 11 cannabis tablets and 78 Mandrax tablets of an estimated value of N $ 35,160 in separate searches

Two Namibian citizens aged 26 and 35 were arrested in connection with drug seizures. Poverty, unemployment, alcohol and drug abuse and greed are the main factors of crime, while labor and transportation shortages as well as housing police officers are challenges for the region.

"It is equally important to reflect on our crime statistics in the region to indicate the importance of collective efforts to fight crime on all fronts," said Isaack.

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