Dangerous to use the land question for the 2019 election – land expert


Cape Town – Political stability is essential for the land
reform and, with the upcoming 2019 national elections in South Africa, it is dangerous to
Take advantage of the land issue for elections, says Vice President Michael Iyambo
Agribank of Namibia and chairman of the Namibian Agricultural Council.

Iyambo participated in a round table on the earth
economic reform at African Agri Investment Indaba in Cape Town on Wednesday.

"Zimbabwe is an example of what happens once
we are making a mistake in the agrarian reform. Food production has no color or
political alignment. Everyone needs food, "said Iyambo.

"It's also very important that people
around the agrarian reform discussion table have a cool head and that
mega-commercial farmers to join the process ".

Iyambo stressed that agrarian reform in Namibia is
guided by legislation "as it should be in any democracy in Africa".

"The President puts the
Your & # 39;

"Agrarian reform is a very important issue that
needs practical solutions for practical problems. At our conferences on agrarian reform,
we found the tone of the president on the issue sets the tone
forward, "he said.

"In Namibia, we decided that in the process of the earth
reforms, peace and stability in the country must be maintained, while
recognize unity in diversity. The emotions were strong, but that was related to
happen. Black and white were invited to the conferences and shared the threats
and the frustrations they felt. "

Iyambo said that it was important to realize that no
everyone can become a farmer.

"Some people, like farm workers, just wanted
roof over their head at the end of the working day on a commercial farm. we
told commercial farmers to be proactive enough to see that farm workers can at any time
less lead a dignified life after work. We even seek to establish
farm villages for retired people, "he said.

"We also said that, for just compensation, a
The farmer will have to prove that he has made improvements to the farm. he
must also prove that he actually bought the farm ".

Another resolution taken during the agrarian reform in Namibia
conferences concerned the expropriation of foreign-owned land, in particular
as regards the so-called "absent owners".

"We have some farmers who own land that is
unproductive in Namibia. They are the target of expropriations. Also,
some farmers have up to seven farms, while others do not have land. Those
are the solutions that are reserved for us to look for to establish equity in the land
property, "he said.

"Our president said that it was a privilege to lead
a nation that adheres to dialogue. Political stability is another key
element as well as the adherence of the legal fraternity, the banking sector,
traditional leaders and civil society ".

His message to SA concerning the agrarian reform is that in
In any country, you will find nationalists among white farmers who believe in the land
reform. "These are the ones you should bring closer together." But there will be
are also commercial farmers who have no idea what it means to be South African.
"These are going to destroy you."

"At the same time, there will be blacks
who are positive about agrarian reform and others that will drive negativity into
L & # 39; industry. This is not useful. "

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