David Oliver: 2018 Health Care Key Words


  1. David Oliver, consultant in geriatrics and acute general medicine
  1. Berkshire
  1. davidoliver372 {at} googlemail.com
    Follow David on Twitter: @mancunianmedic

the Collins English DictionaryThe 10 best words of 20181 included "plogging" (picking up trash while jogging), "VAR" (video assistant referee), and "floss" (a new craze for dance). So, as Bmj On the way to the New Year, here is my personal list of 2018 keywords for British health services. I've probably missed a few, so thanks for posting quick answers or posting your own suggestions on Twitter.


It is good to see, for the first time in the history of the NHS, a draft staffing plan (technically, a "strategy") – from Health Education England.2 It has its imperfections, but at least it's a plan. And we look forward to the launch of the NHS England's 10-year plan for health services.3 Once again, not everyone will be satisfied with its details, but the shift to medium-term plans bursts political cycles in the short term. It's a start.

the hand of work

In my opinion,4 and …

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