Dear people who still use the Galaxy Note 7 – please stop


Despite the best efforts of almost everyone, from Samsung to mobile networks and even airlines, there are still people using the Galaxy Note 7, and they should really stop.

The debacle of Galaxy Note 7 was one of the biggest tech stories of 2016. This was not exactly the best look for Samsung when the new handsets of the firm started to smoke and explode, and it was even worse when the company claimed to solved the problem, only for the same problems to keep popping up.

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Eventually, Samsung admitted defeat, and released one of the biggest product recalls of recent times. To make sure everyone with an affected handset has sent it back, the company even used software updates to harass people and ultimately prevent them from being able to charge fully.

But that did not stop a small but determined group Note 7 users hanging on their old handsets, reports Android Central. They avoided updates from Samsung, updated their phones and continue to post updates in communities such as the Note 7 subreddit.

Even Marcus Brownlee still seemed to have his Note 7 device when he was giving away a YouTube studio tour, but it's not clear if it's powered by the device since the controversy.

An extremely limited camera

If you still have a Galaxy Note 7, there is no doubt that you should return it. His battery problems were so severe that the devices almost turned into time bombs.

That's really not worth the risk of putting this thing anywhere near your flammable hands, and you'd be even crazier trying to make a phone call it. Oh, and you would not be allowed to take it on any plane.

But even having the phone in your home is more risky than we would do.

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Of course, there is some appeal to owning a phone that is the equivalent of a limited edition phone, but that's not worth the risk of literally setting fire to your home.

Have you bought a Samsung Galaxy Note 7? ? How long have you owned it before being called back? Let us know @TrustedReviews.

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