Does the government become intolerant of criticism? … The case of IPPR, Kameeta and Klazen on the Afrobarometer survey


Critical studies and government-in-honor reports continue to worsen relations between the country's leading think tank, the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) and the great political wigs of the Swapo party

. Minister of Poverty Eradication, Zephania Kameeta, and Deputy Minister of Urban / Rural Development, Derek Klazen, who diluted the program as "a program to return the people against the government and to not work with the government. " "

Klazen was also quoted as saying," Who sent them, and where do they come from? They just want to pump lies into the people of this country, and discourage the good work the government is doing. "

The last fight on the report also comes shortly after trade minister Tjekero Tweya also boosted the think tank for his report of access to information that suggested that the government was not eager to share public information.

Once again, the IPPR went out to defend the findings of the Afrobarometer by stating: "L & # 39; The aim of the Afrobarometer survey is to find out what ordinary Namibian citizens think about a whole host of political and economic issues. "

Namibians Criticize Government Performance – Like Poverty, Where A Majority Of Namibians say that the government has not done enough to fight poverty. "

IPPR added that when the Afrobarometer survey finds that Namibians are critical of the government, it does not mean Afrobarometer as a problem. ;gold organization or IPPR as a local partner condemns the government.

"On the contrary, the Afrobarometer survey reflects what ordinary Namibians think about these problems.As shown in the figure below, respondents to the survey were negative about some aspects of the performance of the survey. government and positive on others, "said the think tank.

IPPR stated that it is incorrect to describe the survey as having simply negative results on the government at a time when before, The IPPR published the issues on which Namibians praised the government

"For example, we previously reported that high levels of trust in the president – some of the highest levels on the continent, in fact. These parts of the investigation were not accused of an agenda hidden by government ministers.

IPPR also questioned Klazen for making critical comments about the report later and was unable to do so at his launch where he also spoke.

"The deputy minister suggested that the Afrobarometer interviewing only a subset of the population, our results are not representative of the nation as a whole. a common misconception about polls and this is not a precise description of our work. "

" In fact, we are confident that our results represent the opinions of Namibians of voting age with a high degree of level with an error margin of +/- 3%.) The methodology used by Afrobarometer is based on statistical best practices and has been used successfully worldwide. recognized as a reference in Africa and in the world, "he added.


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