Editorial … Tolerance and not political blinders will lead us to the front


THE PROBLEMS OF THE SMALL ENCOUNTER, like quarrels and criticisms of political hatred and forbidden areas, must give way to mutual respect, if we want to move forward as a nation.

It is unacceptable that none of the government leaders will come to remind parents who protested against the leader of the country's main opposition political party, the popular democratic movement McHenry Venaani, because it is not a problem. he wanted to give a motivational speech to the students of Emanya High School, in the Oshikoto area.

This is the same area where Job Amupanda was kept out in 2015 when he also wanted to make a motivational speech at a school.

This week, parents protested using a circular issued by the Ministry of Education in 2015 to ban Amupanda. Nehale LyaMpingana school.

Similar incidents have been reported in the past, with people like the late Hidipo Hamutenya not having access to a school. All because they were considered the opposition.

The circular of October 13, 2015 does not prohibit schools from inviting motivational speakers, but guidelines are set for schools to follow before having such people.

an official written request must be submitted at least four weeks before the date to a regional director of education.

We are almost sure that the school has followed the guidelines by contacting the office of the director of education in Oshikoto before inviting Venaani "

Therefore, c & # 39; was an exercise that gave Venaani controlled access to the students for the motivational speech.

In the midst of the crisis of education that we face as a nation, youth are an asset that Namibia can not afford to neglect. The global village for which our educational system prepares students will treat them severely if they approach their education with blinkers.

It is a global education increasingly based on knowledge, where quality has become more important than ever.

The challenges of high school are there for the world to see. Last year, none of their 71 grade 12 students passed. The number might seem like a drop in the ocean if we consider that about 200,000 students were in secondary education last year, or that we had about 700,000 children in schools in the country.

But it should not work these numbers, or the person plans to address the students

The blatant lack of tolerance towards those with whom we differ does not can be an obstacle in our quest to improve the living conditions of Namibians.

Discrimination based on political affiliation, race or class is what the ruling party fought for decades. We are here, 28 years after independence, and the people who endured the cold in the bush to change the status quo had fun promoting the discrimination and political polarization that they opposed.

who is plagued by growing educational challenges, economic inequality and other disparities are happy to prevent a legislator from looking closely at the difficulties, instead of trying to strengthen social relationships by welcoming someone from a different context.

They gave a direct "no" to a sense of shared purpose and identity. And for the sake of heaven, it's Venaani, a Namibian legislator; one of the people responsible for influencing the policies that should benefit the Namibian child.

How do parents hope to interact with lawmakers when they ban them in their schools? How do they want Parliament to increase spending on education, or a member of parliament so that it gives a better idea of ​​the budget or the laws if it does not get them? first hand information?

Should only Swapo politicians visit this school and other schools of parents who think the same way? Who said that the school was an area forbidden to others who think differently?

But above all, why is there such deafening silence on the part of the ruling party's national leaders? When Namibia, a nation is relevant to all?

What happened at Emanya High School is not worthy of pride – neither as a nation, nor as parents of children attending this school

Cabinet in the strongest terms. Unless the agenda is to promote a lack of tolerance, and exclude the views of those with whom they differ in polling stations.

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