Emed Rescue24 launches mobile app for quick access to medical assistance


By Natasha Jacha.

Emed Rescue24 recently launched its new Emed Rescue24 mobile application to provide the public with quick access to emergency medical assistance.

Prosperity Group CEO Bertus Struwig said the application had been under construction for more than two years and after much research and testing, it was now ready for the local market.

"We are extremely proud of this excellent innovation and are happy to share it with everyone. Even if you only have bar connectivity, our call center will panic and help you with the services you need, whether it's a road accident, a heart attack or an accident. cerebrovascular disease, "he added.

Bertus encouraged more private companies to find ways to create public-private partnerships to collaborate with the government in various areas for the benefit of the country as a whole.

"We hope this application will be expanded even further to include, for example, the police and our important tourism sector in the future," he said.

Eddie Bezuidenhout, general manager of Emed Rescue24, said that in case of medical emergency, fast and professional medical services were often the determining factor for saving lives and that the application allowed for a quick response and easy. As for Emed Rescue 24, Eddie shared some highlights from the past 15 years.

"We started with a 24-hour call center, a road ambulance and an air ambulance in Windhoek. Over the years, we have developed and upgraded call center systems to more quickly identify members. included a medical trauma surgeon in the team for advice and assistance in case of emergency; positioned road ambulances across Namibia at the most strategic and risky locations for faster response times; started the Fist Aid training to allow people to help each other while we are about to rescue them and introduced the EMed medical bracelet, which can identify you and speak for you, "said Bezuidenhout.

Deputy Minister of Health and Social Services, Juliet Kavetuna, congratulated Emed Rescue 24 and the Prosperity Group for launching this mobile panic app.

She assured the guests that her ministry and her government were determined and would do everything in their power to ensure the success of the application and allow as many people as possible to use it.

Caption: Eddie Bezuidenhout, MD Emed Rescue24, Cataflam mascot, the Hon. Julie Kavetuna, Deputy Minister of Health and Social Services, Bertus Struwig, CEO of Prosperity Group.

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