Fallout 76 Beta gets an October release date on Xbox One, PS4 and PC


Post-Apocalyptic Role-Playing Game The release date of Fallout 76 is November 14 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Bethesda plans to have a Fallout 76 beta before that. Although the company has not yet confirmed the exact date, she said that the Fallout 76 beta will take place in October, one month before the release date of the game. This news has been posted by an administrator of the Bethesda community on the official Fallout 76 forums. In addition to that, there will be a Fallout 76 panel at QuakeCon in Dallas next month. To play the beta of Fallout 76, you will have to pre-order the game.

"Starting from October, we will select people who have pre-ordered the game from a participating retailer to enter our game. Beta Start small and increase with time as we prepare for launch.Make sure you read our FAQ, for more details on how to exchange your beta code and other important details.In addition, we know that you have many questions about the game. We are always changing and being reiterated, so we can not answer everything yet, but we encourage you to submit your questions During the Fallout 76 panel at QuakeCon, we will answer some of your questions, "reads a company message. 19659002]

However, if you want to first play the beta version of Fallo ut 76, you will have to pre-order the game on Xbox One. According to the Fallout 76 FAQ on the Bethesda website, it will first be on the Xbox One with PS4 and PC coming later. No surprise considering Bethesda's warm relationship with Microsoft since the time of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind who honored the original Xbox, which according to Bethesda Game Studios director and executive producer Todd Howard in a Noclip documentary terms of sale on this console.

"The beta will be available on Xbox One, PS4 and PC (via Bethesda.net) Stay tuned for the exact timing of each platform here and Fallout on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Xbox One will start first, followed by other platforms, "reads the Fallout 76 FAQ.

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