Financial dispute leaves Open Fire empty-handed


A financial dispute between Harry Simon Onkugo Promotions and the Namibian Boxing Board has left Daniel 'Open Fire'. Kashela empty-handed after Saturday night's boxing event at the Ramatex complex.

An angry man, Simon, said that he still had to receive N $ 10,000, adding that Kashela had not been paid, while another boxer, Albinus Felesianu, had been deducted from N $ 6,000 from his pay check.

Simon said he had to pay N $ 10,000 on the budget to qualify for boxing bonanza.

"There were 10,000 Namibian dollars left in the budget, but the commission later said they had to pay N $ 6,000 to a second doctor, although this was not budgeted. I want to know why they sanctioned the fight with one doctor, but now they want two to be paid. But I said, OK, whatever it is, but I still want my 4,000 Namibian dollars, where is it, "Simon said Monday.

Simon added that one of the boxers in action, Albinus' Danny Boy & # 39; Felesianu had also deducted N $ 6,000 from his pay check, apparently also to pay a doctor.

"I want to know how many doctors have had to pay now, I'm fed up with this dishonest advice," he said.

The veteran Daniel & # 39; Open Fire & # 39; Kashela, who lost to points against Hedison 'Bulelo' Nghipondoka Saturday night, however, did not receive a penny.

Kashela was late replacing Ndadi Shapwa, who did not fight at all, but still received his money.

"The board has paid Bulelo and Shapwa, but not Open Fire, so I want to at least pay Open Fire with the N $ 4,000 that they still owe me," Simon said.

However, spokesman for the Namibian Boxing and Control Committee, Ronald Kurtz, challenged Simon's allegations, saying he was frugal with the truth.

"Harry must not take chances. He was paid according to the payroll after the fighting. He took his package and left, so why did not he complain at that time, "he said.

Regarding the doctors, he said that Simon knew the rules.

"He knows that it takes two doctors at every boxing competition, but since we had not planned to hire a second doctor, we paid him over the top. Harry wanted to pay the doctor after the portal was taken, but we could not afford it, "he said.

Kurtz said he was unaware that Felesianu had been deducted from N $ 6,000 for "another doctor".

"It's the first time I've heard about it. Felesianu received N $ 30,000 in accordance with his contract. "

As for the missing Kashela money, Kurtz said that Simon was not honest.

"Mr. Simon is not honest, it's their mistake. They changed the boxers at the last minute, replacing Shapwa with Kashela, but I told them we still had to pay Shapwa because he had a contract to fight. They tried to convince Shapwa to take only 10%, but he did not agree. It was therefore paid in full in accordance with the contract, "he said.

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