Fishing imposes fines for illegal fishing in Zambezi


Fishing imposes fines for illegal fishing in the Zambezi

by Rodney Pienaar

The Directorate of the Ministry of Fisheries Responsible for the Control of Inland Fishing Activities in the Zambezi region has issued 42 fines for various illegal fishing activities registered during the 2017/18 fiscal year.

Statistics provided by management through the governor's office indicate that 14 fines were granted for non-production of a fishing license.

Eight were issued for bashing, two for fishing without being licensed, one for failure to register in the area where a gillnet was to be used, one for the manufacture of a net and 15 for fishing during the closure. season.

The management conducted 237 ground patrols in various areas during the same period of which seven missions were roadblocks that were conducted jointly with the Namibian police over a distance of 58,171 km.

The statistics also show that 20 river patrols covering a distance of 1,028 km were carried out.

According to the governor's office, during the closed fishing season, inspectors experimented with more illegal fishing on the Zambezi River; Chobe River; Liambezi Lake; Kwando River; The Linyanti River and other channels in the eastern floodplain.

"More and more people are selling door-to-door fish in the evenings and nights, and this trend is affecting the closed fishing season for fish to recover because it has been severely overfished in recent years." .



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