Fortnite Season 5 Map: 5 Ideas We Want to See


We are sure you already know the Fortnite phenomenon: Battle Royale. We kept you up to date on the weekly challenges, the latest updates and changes, and we gave a preview of what we would like to see added to the game. And although we still like to fight 99 other players on the current map From the game, it's easy to imagine how a new card could allow us to come back for more than Royal Victory long-term.

There is currently a map at Fortnite: Battle Royale, but to the credit of Epic Games, it has evolved over time. With the new seasons comes the new content and the actual changes in the layout and features of the lonely card. When season 4 hit, a comet destroyed Dusty Depot to create a new area called Dusty Divot, which fueled the superhero's theme. Now that season 5 is looming on the horizon (starting July 12), we have begun to think about how the world of Fortnite will evolve due to the recent emergence of mysterious tears in the sky. Could they lead to a new map, and if so, what could it look like?

For the latest on Fortnite, be sure to read our stories about the new Playground mode and when it's going to go away, the Epic User's short film contest, or how the latest patch changes the game. Week 10 of season 4 has loaded players with new challenges, like looking between movie titles, for which we have a complete guide

A snow map where you need heat

adopt the approach of releasing something that is not meant to be much more than a simple alternative to the existing island, offering a different look but not much else . Alternatively, he could release something more specialized, with his own set of custom rules, almost like a new playlist that would have a specific card.

Such a possibility: a winter card where the snow has a real impact on the gameplay. A snowy map would make distant enemies easier to see, making long-range weapons more valuable. But the snow could fall periodically during the match, reducing visibility and thus putting the spotlight on close combat for a while.

The speed of travel could be affected by the amount of snow you are going through, but what is even more intriguing is the prospect of having to stay warm. Similar to Company of Heroes 2, which requires you to place units in garrison or approach them at a fire periodically, the gameplay of Battle Royale could really be upset if you also had to consider the temperature of your body. If you are cold, do you risk suffering damage to catch the desirable weapon in the distance, or do you find a place to warm yourself up first?

So many new wrinkles would represent a technical challenge, but a new map impacts gameplay in many ways would be a great way to show how important the new places will be in Fortnite.

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Map Terrain Flat With Max Resources [19659005] True, it looks a lot like an experimental mode with limited duration, but a map that is essentially a flat and open ground could be a ton of fun. Here, players should put their building skills to the ultimate test. The parts would probably boil down to a type of self-build game, where things would unfold even more unpredictably than they already do. We imagine that players should do more than just protect themselves; with the storm approaching and not many natural defenses, creativity would be pushed and building structures with mobility in mind would change the way Fortnite is traditionally played.

For this to work, you should probably start players with maximum (or unlimited) resources so that everyone can build as soon as they land. Cleaning a weapon may be difficult to implement in this type of card, but perhaps weapon caches can serve as drop zones from which players can begin to build. This type of card can highlight one of Fortnite's strengths and the feature that helped him stand out from other royal battle games in the first place.

A Volcanic Map

What really sets Fortnite apart from other royal battle games, and although they are used in fast-paced combat situations, it might be really cool to force them into the race phase of a match to overcome obstacles. A giant volcanic map with peaks, chasms and lava tubes would add another layer of thought and movement. A volcano map could also vary the distances at which players are fighting in the final circle. Perhaps there would be short-range close circles in the caves, long-range end rings over a giant magma chamber, hill-to-hill fights similar to those now taking place, and maybe small battles in the water around the map.

Epic has been very good up here during planned events, such as the recent launch of rockets, but why not go further with random events? Corresponds to a tube of lava could be opened, then flooded, or a match of the lava chamber is empty and cavernous while the next day it overflows on the rest of the map. With the opening of dimensional flaws, the possibilities of random events are endless. The map of the volcano could even take place during different eras – dinosaurs, whoever?

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A Land Filled With Other Worlds

The island of Fortnite has variety because you have everything from swamps to suburban towns by the way by the junkyards (more recently) a giant crater. a kind of scientific base built inside of it. But all of this usually makes sense and seems to fit the same general area.

With the rifts of Season 4 making objects disappear, it would be fun to see that it serves a purpose. And if these flaws are not just on the Battle Royale Island, but all over the world – or even in different dimensions? Rather than making these things disappear, perhaps these flaws are transporting them elsewhere. This elsewhere could be the setting for a new map.

It might be a bit extreme as the concept of what would be only the second Battle Royale map, but it would be great to see a place full of weird juxtapositions. A fat carrier inside a gym? Sure. Exotic plants that attack you on the outside of a toy store? Why not! Fortin already embraces foolishness, which would allow Epic to really go ahead with a map that looks like nothing else in the royal battle space. It would also feature a perfect excuse, built-in to keep updating the map with new items as more things are teleported in and out.

Fighting In A Post-Apocalypse

Epic has the flexibility to take Fortnite in almost any direction he wants, thematically. And given the premise of the original Save The World mode – to defend yourself from undead and mutated monsters – going with a post-apocalyptic theme for a new map is well in the realm of possibility. It would be more than just a cosmetic revision, too. It would be interesting to see how the radiation zones could take matches into account; smart ways to build around dangerous areas in addition to avoiding enemies and the deadly storm could spice things up a bit. Maybe the irradiated areas can be randomized as the storm to increase the tension even more. Geiger counters that trigger when you least expect it, while thinking you're building in a safe zone, could be a real curve.

A post-apocalyptic map can also serve as a basis for the introduction of new weapons. A nuclear missile launcher could be terribly devastating, but highly sought after by players. We would hesitate to ask for hostile hordes as a factor when it comes to a royal battle match, but that is one aspect that could be smartly implemented in this type of specific card.

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