From La Hoya slams Dana White: Shut down the F ***, save the UFC!


Oscar De La Hoya, CEO of Golden Boy Promotions, fought back against Dana White, president of the UFC.

In a recent UFC Uniltered podcast, White totally turned to De La Hoya.

The UFC executive is witnessing last week's trilogy between Chuck Liddell and Tito Ortiz, members of the UFC Hall of Fame, which took place in Los Angeles. a la carte market.

Liddell, 48, active since 2010, was viciously eliminated in the first round.

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White repeatedly tried to persuade Liddell to continue the fight – arguing with the former UFC champion to stay in retirement.

De La Hoya, during an interview, clarified that White had no place to tell fighters when to retire.

This comment, combined with the results of last week, put White on the account when he debated the entire series of events.

"Listen, I love Chuck Liddell and I never want to blame Chuck Liddell." People think I blame Chuck Liddell, but the reality is first of all: let's say this first, I heard last week that the cokehead, "Oscar Del La Weirdo" speaks well, that I do not have any place to tell guys when to retire.First, this is called friendship "I've been friends with Chuck Liddell for 20 years and the reality is that Chuck Liddell retired when he should have retired eight or nine years ago," said White.

"The problem is that Chuck Liddell was a fighter. Chuck Liddell loves to fight and that's his passion in life. But comes a day and age. Fighting is a game of young men. He can not do it and Oscar Del Laf *** Hoya says, "Oh, come to Golden Boy where we respect the fighters and it makes me sick what the fighters have been paid for" and all that. Out of 14 fights on the card, five fights were amateur fights, which meant they were not paying them.

"12 of the professional fighters on the card earned less than $ 3,000 and $ 3,000. What do you say about your cokehead junkie? Some guys earned $ 1,000 and $ 1,000 and he says he's so respectful of the fighters? He could not even remember their names at the press conference.

De La Hoya believes that White is jealous of his success and that he should fully focus on the daily affairs of the UFC, which, according to Golden's CEO, is now in a downward spiral.

"Dana is so small and threatened by our success with DAZN and now at MMA that he's reporting news from a decade ago to try to stay relevant," De La Hoya told TMZ Sports.

"Boxing has completely dismissed him and the MMA fighters now realize that they must not risk their lives so that he can get rich." Golden Boy and I are going from the front and back We're bigger than ever, Dana should close the f ** * and try to find a way to save her own business. "

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