Games Done Quick forbids two riders for sexist and transphobic remarks


GoldenEye 007 runners banned "indefinitely" at GDQ events after disturbing screen shots

The Speedrunning Games Done Quick charity marathon has "indefinitely" banned two speed runners after screen shots of each of their transphobic sexist remarks were broadcast on social media.

"After receiving additional information on the situation that was reported to us today, we were able to confirm the authenticity of the screenshots received," wrote Done Quick Games in a report. statement on his official Twitter. "As such, the people in question will not represent us at any GDQ event indefinitely."

the screenshots in question show R. White Goose and Graviton, the two GoldenEye 007 speed riders, making various comments including transphobic and anti-Semitic comments (from Goose) and degrading statements about women in general, as well as other speed skaters and members from the community. Goose has since made a formal apology on Twitter.

Although Goose has been absent from GDQ events since 2014, Graviton was scheduled to launch Doom 64 at AGDQ in January. His race has since been canceled.

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