Google brings Morse code to Gboard for iOS | News and opinions


Google created this feature in partnership with assistive technology developer Tania Finlayson, born with cerebral palsy and who has been using Morse code to communicate since childhood.

  Gboard Morse Code

The Google Gboard keyboard application is becoming more accessible to people with disabilities

After introducing in May the Morse code support on Gboard for Android, Google brings this feature to iOS. The Web giant also makes some improvements to the feature on Android

Google has created this feature in partnership with Tania Finlayson, developer of assistive technologies, born with cerebral palsy and who uses Morse code to communicate from his childhood. . Dating back to the 1800s, the Morse code is a communication system that only uses dots and dashes.

"The Morse keyboard on Gboard allows you to use Morse code (dots and dashes)" Finlayson explained in a blog post on Wednesday.

Finlayson said that she worked closely with the Gboard team to help design the keyboard layout, add Morse sequences to the self-suggestion tape above the keyboard, and develop settings that allow people to customize the keyboard to meet their needs. The Android version of Gboard also allows you to connect external hardware switches to your phone so that a person with reduced mobility can use the device.

Want to try, but you have no idea how to type Morse code? No worries: Google has created a game that, he says, can help you learn how to "in less than an hour". The Morse Typing Trainer is available on iOS, Android and on the desktop.

"Developing communication tools like this is important because for many people it just makes life livable," Finlayson wrote. "Now, if someone wants to try the Morse code, he can use the phone in his pocket, just by downloading an application, no matter who can try to communicate with the Morse code."

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