Google Chrome has a nasty surprise

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With more than 60% of market share, Chrome is the undisputed king of web browsers.

commitment to keep it up to date with essential fixes and optimizations, but now the company has admitted that the latest Chrome update was accompanied by a nasty surprise …

Great Secret Features & # 39; and & # 39; Nasty Surprises & # 39; investigate the best features / biggest issues behind the titles.

The new user interface of Chrome is coming soon Google

In a blog Google admitted that the latest version of Chrome deployed worldwide would consume up to 13% more system memory. For a browser whose most important failure has long been its excessive memory consumption ( 1 2 3 ] 4 5 ), this is the last thing users will want. Especially those with older systems and less RAM.

Google has also confirmed that there is a multiplatform change and that it will apply to Chrome on Windows, Mac, Linux and Chrome OS. The last of these could be particularly affected because Chrome OS systems often come with only 4 to 8 GB of RAM.

So why did Google do that?

Everything is in the name of security. The new, more inflated Chrome contains a feature called 'Site Isolation'. which fights the serious vulnerability of Specter which exposes computers to the chip level.

"Site isolation is a significant change in Chrome's behavior, but it should not usually result in any visible changes for most users or Web developers (beyond some known issues)," explains Charlie Reis. point.

"It simply offers more protection between websites behind the scenes." Site isolation forces Chrome to create more rendering process, which comes with performance compromises: On the positive side, each rendering process is smaller and of shorter duration, but there is about 10 to 13% overhead in real workloads because of the larger number of processes. "

site isolation divides a single rendering process to enhance security Google

Reis claims that his team "continues to work hard to optimize this behavior in order to keep Chrome both fast and secure" but for now, everyone will have to take it to himself.

Also, if you are concerned about system performance, you can not do anything to disengage from it. Reis says that site isolation will be enabled for 99% of users on all platforms with only 1% retained as a test group.

What about mobile platforms? In a tweet the Google Chrome security specialist, Justin Schuh, claims that a version is being manufactured for Android but that it has not yet been shipped due to "resource consumption problems".

In the end, Google is right to do everything in its power to mitigate Specter. It is just unfortunate that the chosen method will have an impact on the computers of the users who are the least likely to afford an upgrade …


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With more 60% market share, Chrome is the undisputed king of web browsers.

commitment to keep it up to date with essential fixes and optimizations, but now the company has admitted that the latest Chrome update was accompanied by a nasty surprise …

Great Secret Features & # 39; and & # 39; Nasty Surprises & # 39; investigate the best features / biggest issues behind the titles.

The new user interface of Chrome is coming soon Google

In a blog Google admitted that the latest version of Chrome deployed worldwide would consume up to 13% more system memory. For a browser whose most important failure has long been its excessive memory consumption ( 1 2 3 ] 4 5 ), this is the last thing users will want. Especially those with older systems and less RAM.

Google has also confirmed that there is a multiplatform change and that it will apply to Chrome on Windows, Mac, Linux and Chrome OS. The last of these could be particularly affected because Chrome OS systems often come with only 4 to 8 GB of RAM.

So why did Google do that?

Everything is in the name of security. The new, more inflated Chrome contains a feature called 'Site Isolation'. which fights the serious vulnerability of Specter which exposes computers to the chip level.

"Site isolation is a significant change in Chrome's behavior, but it should not usually result in any visible changes for most users or Web developers (beyond some known issues)," explains Charlie Reis. point.

"It simply offers more protection between websites behind the scenes." Site isolation forces Chrome to create more rendering process, which comes with performance compromises: On the positive side, each rendering process is smaller and shorter in duration, but there is about 10-13% overhead in actual workloads due to the larger number of processes. "

The isolation of the site divides a single rendering process of multiple engines to enhance security Google

Reis claims that his team "continues to work hard to optimize this behavior in order to keep Chrome both fast and secure" but for now, everyone will have to take it to himself.

Also, if you are concerned about system performance, you can not do anything to disengage from it. Reis says that site isolation will be enabled for 99% of users on all platforms with only 1% retained as a test group.

What about mobile platforms? In a tweet the Google Chrome security specialist, Justin Schuh, claims that a version is being manufactured for Android but that it has not yet been shipped due to "resource consumption problems".

In the end, Google is right to do everything in its power to mitigate Specter. It is just unfortunate that the chosen method will have an impact on the computers of the users who are the least likely to afford an upgrade …


Follow Gordon on Twitter [19659034] Facebook and Google+

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