Google employees sign petition to end development of Dragonfly project


The subject of Google's censored Chinese search engine project, dubbed Dragonfly, is controversial. It all started with a rumor that was belittled and reconfirmed since August, to the extent that its operating principles were leaked, prompting the White House to publicly ask Google to end the project. Since August, several hundred and thousands of Google employees were protesting against the censored research project in China.

Reuters reports that more than 200 Alphabet workers, including engineers, designers, and managers, signed an open letter on Tuesday. They demanded the end of the development of the censored search engine. Amnesty International, a human rights group, also joined their efforts by issuing a petition calling for the cancellation of Dragonfly yesterday. It aims to "encourage Google workers to sign the petition by targeting them on LinkedIn and demonstrating in front of Google offices," says the report.

An unnamed official of the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said "there was no indication" of Google that she had adjusted her previous plans to finally launching the research application. "Sending to Reuters unofficially and without permission, the official said that a launch of Dragonfly in 2019 was" unrealistic "without going into details.

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