Governor Urges Public Servants to Focus on Service Delivery


Hardap region officials were urged to set aside political and personal vendettas for service delivery

Esme Isaack, Governor of Hardap, made the appeal during his speech on the State of the region at Mariental

. "We must at all times and in all respects avoid political and / or personal vendettas that negatively affect the development and delivery of services in our region and country," she said.


The governor ordered that all cases of work involving suspended chief executives of local authorities be finalized as part of the guidelines on isolation and disobedience. the current year, and vacant posts at the management level are filled, as vacancies in these positions have had a negative impact on service delivery. [19659003] She pointed out the slow implementation of investment projects, the dilapidated school infrastructure, the inadequate collection of revenue for municipal services, the emigration of agricultural workers to urban areas and the inability of local governments to meet their obligations.

Isaack revealed that the government had allocated 255 million Namibian dollars for infrastructure development in the region for the 2018/1919 fiscal year.

Funds were also allocated for the construction of bulk services in Gibeon (N $ 7 million). million), Gochas ($ 4 million), Mariental ($ 15 million), Rehoboth ($ 8 million), Hoachanas ($ 5 million), Aranos ($ 4 million), Schlip ($ 5 million) , Klein Aub ($ 5 million), Stampriet (N $ 4 million), Kalkrand (N $ 5 million) and Maltahohe (N $ 4 million).

Budget allocations were also made to ministries, including education (N $ 18 million), N $ 500,000), safety and security (N $ 4 million), gender equality and protection. of children (N $ 300,000), health (N $ 16 million), work (N $ 470,000), mining and energy (N $ 2.4 million), justice (N $ 200,000), transportation (N $ 65 million) and agrarian reform (N $ 28 million).

No budget allocation has been made for information and communication technologies, veterans and sports, youth and national service for the current fiscal year. window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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