Gurirab's critics silenced … while the wrestling icon is put to rest


Mourners testified that late Theo-Ben Gurirab was a nationalist engaged in the development of the rest of Namibia and not his hometown of Usakos alone, silencing his critics who, during his lifetime, asked why he does not have muscles to develop his home town.

The wrestling icon was buried over the weekend and was declared a national hero with testimonies of his altruistic sacrifices pouring across the country's political division and the international community.

"Most people were wondering why my uncle had not used his political influence to develop Usakos and I even asked him that.My uncle said, I fought for the liberation of this country in together and we elected a government with policies, "said the parent of the Tsudisa family! Gonteb to a dozen mourners from different countries.

He was speaking at a memorial service in the parliament gardens where his remains were in the state.

President Hage Geingob also stated that Gurirab would like leaders to "treat this thorny issue with patience, tolerance and focus on durable solutions.," Reflecting it more as a national than a regional leader.

Founding President Sam Nujoma sums him up as a "father of Namibian diplomacy" who personified the art of diplomacy more than any other among his contemporaries.

"A tried-and-tested executive, I named him as our prime minister of foreign affairs and our second prime minister, he was a true freedom fighter from humble beginnings and he served his country well" said Nujoma.

Taking place on the podium, the Official Opposition party chairman, McHenry Venaani, gave a moving testimony describing the late Gurirab as "an honorable guest" who walked with honor.

In a veiled attack against his detractors, Venaani said: The veteran fighter has never chosen to use "his public office for personal wealth".

"He was a friend and an opponent. He was a colossus who walked proudly in our history books, "said Venaani. Swapo Party Secretary General, Sophia Shaningwa, said Gurirab had sacrificed much of his youth for the liberation of Namibia, saying that no words could describe the "giant who was the man who is here "before bursting.

On behalf of his children, Dr. Theo-Ben Kandetu gave a very moving testimonial to a father they knew at home, far from the pomp and pressure of the public service.

He said he was just dad. He really embodied the true meaning of a hero. "

The President of the General Assembly of the United Nations Secretary-General, Miroslav Lajeak, declared that Gurirab was a citizen of the world who fulfilled his purpose.

It was said that he was in reconstructing a book, and the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah has pleaded with those who have the necessary equipment to ensure that it is over.

Peter Katjavivi, president of the The National Assembly, which took the presidency of Gurirab, gave a graphic detail of how they escaped into exile in 1962 via the small town of Zimbabwe, Plumtree, then called Rhodesia.

Gurirab studies then to the United States, after which it is recommended to negotiate the Namibian cause in the UN where, according to Katjavivi, "he articulates things calmly" and will ensure that women are incorporated into the combat units of the PLAN of the cry

Among his notable achievements after independence, Gurirab served as Prime Minister, President of the National Assembly, served at the United Nations General Assembly presiding over the objectives of the Millennium Development, drafted the constitution and initiated in 2007 the Children's Parliament.

"He was a warm, accessible and caring man, and his legacy will forever be part of the history of this country," Katjavivi said.

Meanwhile, it was reported that shortly after the death of Gurirab, a sudden rain shower was observed with temperatures falling below the usual levels which reflected the effect that the rain had on them. a son of the soil had actually left.


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