Half of the Christmas trees promise to prevent pets from ruining your tree



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I suppose? May be?
I suppose? May be?

Are you worried that your pet or toddler will destroy your beloved Christmas tree and all that it contains? So maybe a half-Christmas tree is right for you?

Two different varieties of Christmas half-trees are currently sold on the UK-based online retailer, Argos, for £ 33.33 and £ 37.50. Each of them is six feet tall and contains only branches and leaves on the top half of the tree.

Curious to know what they look like? Well, just take a spike at these fake evergreen trees.

There is lush green option:

<img class = "" data-credit-name = "Argos"data-credit-provider =" custom type "data-caption =" So bare. "title =" If naked. "src =" https://i.amz.mshcdn.com/RuPsFMhLjbU__jTSMDb6UrSosZc=/fit-in/1200×9600/https%3A%2F%2Fblueprint-api-production.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fuploads%2Fcard%2Fimage%2F890097 % 2F72599c39-a1e5-40fd-9dae-e537887707a2.png "alt =" So nu. "m! c51b "data-image =" https://i.amz.mshcdn.com/Gc5acWT8Co8N7cQPLWBahbA-IbA=/https%3A%2F%2Fblueprint-api-production.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fuploads. % 2F890097% 2F72599c39-a1e5-40fd-9dae-e537887707a2.png "data-micro =" 1 "/>

If naked.

Or a more snowy choice:

<img class = "" data-credit-name = "argos"data-credit-provider =" custom type "data-caption =" Snowy and nude. "title =" Snowy and naked. "src =" https://i.amz.mshcdn.com/YMpnfKaxk88LRpwbmjmeSocTt-Q=/fit -in / 1200×9600 / https% 3A% 2F% 2Fblueprint-api-production.s3.amazonaws.com% 2Fuploads% 2Fcard% 2Fimage % 2F890102% 2F03429925-fea0-4a68-b8e5-76d2d3d375a09b.png "." Data-fragment = "m! A1f0" data-image = "https://i.amz.mshcdn.com/y0MAuD9tiBH1AHAsPepkfAvo9vQ=/https%3A% 2F% 2Fblueprint-api-production.s3.amazonaws.com% 2Fuploadsfred 2Fcard% 2Fimage% 2F890102% 2F03429925-fea0-4a68-b8e5-76d2d375a09b.png "data-micro =" 1 "/>

Snowy and naked.

The general idea – hopefully, is that the absence of lower branches will prevent your pets and young children from destroying your ornaments or ingesting anything dangerous. In addition, you can expect more space for gifts under the half-shaft than for a complete tree.

It is far from the traditional Christmas tree, whether alive or not, that we have all learned to love and accept. You know, the one who does not miss any branch. But, hey, it's probably pretty effective, right?

Unfortunately, for those of you who are pro half Christmas tree, Argo will send his orders only to the UK this holiday season, according to Good Housekeeping. Looks like you'll just have to protect your old regular tree from any potential destroyer until these half-trees reach the United States.

[H/t: Good Housekeeping]

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