Hamzat Lawal, founder of Follow The Money, will address the chairs of the AU High Level Dialogue


Hamzat Lawal, founder of Follow The Money, one of the largest citizens' movements against corruption, is expected to address the presidents and heads of state during the AU's high-level dialogue.

Earlier this year, the African Union, at its 30th Assembly of Heads of State and Government in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), declared 2018 the Year of Anti-Corruption in Africa.

This recognized the need to stifle corruption in its forms of manifestation if the continent were to progress economically, socially, and achieve shared prosperity.

To achieve this, the African Union is mobilizing resources, commitments and partnerships between stakeholders and actors, as well as governmental and non-governmental organizations, to eliminate corruption as the main economic development and prosperity.

Lawal, founder and general manager of Connected Development [CODE], was to speak at the 2018 High Level Dialogue (HLD) on Democracy, Human Rights and Governance in Africa organized by the African Union – African Governance Architecture (AU-AGA) .

The dialogue is scheduled to take place from 28 to 30 November in Gaborone, Botswana, on "Winning the fight against corruption: a sustainable path to the transformation of Africa".

Hamzat will share his experiences and results at the head of the largest social responsibility movement in Africa, using an innovative methodology and work process, Follow The Money.

"In many ways, our work is challenging and unique in the civic space. But because I am convinced that Africa will not escape poor governance and poverty without a citizen response to the scourge of corruption, my CODE team is encouraged and energized, "he said.

"I am proud to see our efforts, contributions and commitments to a corruption-free continent gain momentum and recognition, and we have since put our theory of change and our work process in the public domain for adoption by young activists / activists from across the continent. This meeting is one of these ".

"In the Gaborone HLD, in Botswana, I am expected to spark a debate on the role of citizens, the media, open government and community organizations in supporting anti-corruption efforts on the continent, in particular. inspired by the initiative Follow the Money.

"More specifically, I will give an overview of our methodology. its impacts, challenges and opportunities for integrating transparency and accountability into government systems, as it affects public spending on service delivery in rural core communities.

"I argue that the updating of the AU Agenda 2063 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a joke without stopping or fighting corruption, in the foreground," he said. he adds.

"Young people must not lose hope in African institutions and public processes. For us, recognizing the power of citizens in Africa's democratic future, we must empower citizens to remain engaged and active.

"Founded in 2012, Follow The Money has mobilized and empowered millions of Africans, especially at grassroots level, to hold public / elected officials accountable and accountable."

Lawal speaking at Africa Talks

Lawal added that Follow The Money has tracked $ 164 million in spending over the last six years, with the promise to do more.

"Building a base in Nigeria, the movement runs dynamic sections in The Gambia and Kenya (East Africa); implement life-transforming campaigns in the continent's rural communities.

"Among our successful campaigns is #SaveBagega: cleanup (environmental cleanup) of lead poisoned Bagega – a population of about 7,535 people where 1,500 children have been poisoned. lead and who need urgent medical intervention in the state of Zamfara, in northern Nigeria.

"In total, we have tracked public spending of more than 50 billion NGN ($ 164 million) over the past six years."

Leading a strong anti-corruption civic organization on the continent and deepening the debate on institutional reforms, CODE made presentations at regional conferences on the fight against corruption in East Africa, represented by Ms. Eve Nicole, Follow The Money Kenya Lead; and West Africa by Marr Nyang who runs Follow The Money in The Gambia.

Hamzat Lawal, who spoke at the Africa Talks session on "Building on young people's capacities in the fight against corruption in Africa", was held in Dakar (Senegal) from 5 to 7 September 2018.

The dialogue will bring together heads of state and government, civil society groups and the media at the Gaborone International Conference Center in Gaborone, Botswana.

The dialogue will be led by Mogkweetsi Masisi, President of the Republic of Botswana, and assisted by Hage Geingob, President of the Republic of Namibia; Thabo Mbeki, former President of the Republic of South Africa; Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, former President of the Republic of Liberia; and Ngozi Okonjo Iweala, former finance minister of Nigeria and president of African Risk Capacity.

Other confirmed dignitaries include Lesotho's prime minister, Motsoahae Thabane; Rwandan President Paul Kagame; and Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari; among other former and former heads of government.


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