Hands with the 2018 MacBook Pro Keyboard


Image: Pete Pachal / Mashable

I I've been using Apple's new MacBook Pro for two days, and the keyboard is the most noticeable change up to now.

The 2018 MacBook Pro is the first notebook to be used. Apple to brandish the third generation of the company's "butterfly" keyboard. replaced the chiclet style keyboards of the money MacBooks that came before. Apple says the only improvement is that the keyboard is quieter to type on.

Disassembling, we know that there is probably more to this story. A new layer of silicone seems to both act as a cushion keys as well as protect them from dust and other particles. This could in turn improve the reliability of keyboards, which has been a source of major concern. Apple is facing multiple lawsuits over this issue, and this upgrade could actually be a "secret" way to fix it without admitting that there has been a problem.

But for users, the legal approach of Apple is totally off the point – they just want to know how the keyboard feels. Well, it's … better.

It really feels like a butterfly keyboard. If my eyes were closed, and you put that keyboard in front of me, I would call it right away like a MacBook Pro butterfly (and clearly not a skinny MacBook keyboard, since the machine's shake itself is different than you type). But it is not quite as before.

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For most of the rest of this article, I have to forgive my frequent use of the minimization language as "slightly" and "a little" because the change is really subtle.

The "give" on each key just feels a stronger hair. The keys – at least the letter keys – are a little more ready for the fingertips than the butterfly of the previous generation. The rebound makes the overall feel slightly closer to chiclet touches in the old, but not so much that you confuse it with one.

Are they quieter? Yes. Certainly, the volume of your keyboard depends as much on your typing style as the keyboard itself, but after alternating with the previous MacBook Pro, typing several sentences over and over, I can safely say that the new keys will be A little more indulgent.

The average typing noise is hard to quantify (although we will try in our next article), but it seems that the extra layer of silicone is also doing its job as a cushion. as stabilizing a little the horizontal movement of the keys. On the previous Pro, it always seemed that there was not a lot of key keeping apart from the aluminum case itself; therefore, if you press an off-center key, you may feel the part of the key that is tapping slightly down, which tends to be a "louder" sound.

Image: Pete Pachal / Mashable

Again, these are the most subtle details in a typing experience, and I do not want to say that the typing was bad or unbearable on the previous Pro. But the subtleties add up, and, for me, the sum was a lesser experience on the MacBook Pro butterfly than my work machine: a silver MacBook Pro 2015 with chiclet keys

tapping this keyboard is an absolute joy – the kind of experience of attention to every detail on which Apple places its mark. Although the new MacBook Pro did not quite fit, it came closer. Yeah, it's a little crazy that Apple has moved away from what many considered to be perfection, but if you retire from the upgrade because of a dislike for the butterfly, the Pro's new keyboard is a reason to get out of your cocoon and try it.

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