How Apple and Netflix Modify Hollywood – / Movie


Paramount Netflix deal

As a result of the production company A24 (the company behind movies like Moonlight, Lady Bird, Hereditary, and spring breakers) Partnering with Apple to produce films for the tech giant, Paramount Pictures has signed a multi-image contract for film production for Netflix. Read on to find out how these two chords defy conventional wisdom from other studios and how they could overthrow Hollywood from within.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, Paramount Pictures Managing Director Jim Gianopulos announced the signing of a multi-image contract with Netflix in a recent call for Viacom's profits, thereby obtaining "an additional source of revenue "in exchange for creating a new selection of films. Here is how THR describes the plan in its current state:

By producing new films designed for Netflix at the greenlighting stage, Paramount will exploit its intellectual property rights and creative relationships to produce films that may not warrant the expense of theatrical release, most likely Decent dramas and medium-budget movies that have a hard time luring public on a market driven by tents.

This deal seems to be a step in the right direction for the public who has lamented the loss of a huge band of medium-budget films at a time when more than $ 100 million of blockbusters and relatively tiny Blumhouse style movies a small budget the majority of what is done.

The disadvantage, of course, is that most of the films in this deal will not get the theatrical release of a Netflix movie like Alfonso Cuaron's next drama. Roma. But at least they will exist instead of being completely removed. Last summer, Netflix has almost alone revived the genre of romantic comedy. They have already proved that the public is always eager for stories left behind in the current cinematic landscape. Resuming production with a steady flow of this type of medium-budget film could be a good springboard for filmmakers who recently came out shooting indie films and want to make a blockbuster movie; instead of starting out directly (with often mixed results), filmmakers will be able to perfect their art and progressively climb the ladder to make bigger films (if that is their end goal). In addition, more medium-budget films, hopefully, will mean that there will be more opportunities for a more diverse set of filmmakers besides those whose success is proven. That alone could make this whole thing useful.

This agreement with Paramount Netflix is ​​quite logical because both companies have already worked together. Netflix bought the rights of Martin Scorsese L & # 39; Irish of Paramount when the budget of this movie was higher than Paramount's comfort level. The streaming service has also become the home of The Cloverfield paradox, which was originally to have a theatrical release, and it became the home of Annihilation in many countries, when Paramount hesitated before the final cup and decided that it would not work well for a general audience.

While studios such as Disney and Warner Bros. fight against streaming systems such as Netflix by creating their own subscription streaming services, Paramount and A24 accept those companies that encroach on and associate with them. But is this the first step towards consolidating the entertainment industry? Paramount is a studio looking for an identity for years, and apart from some notable examples (Mission: Impossible, Transformers), it has not had a reliable establishment of franchises which are essential wicket guarantees. Could the classic studio be swallowed up by Netflix? Apple certainly has the money to buy the A24 directly. If these two things happen, there will be two less places that creative people can use to present their projects. These consolidations are only speculations at the moment, but it is not difficult to see how, in a few short years, we could consider this time as a totally different era for this industry.

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