How to make your website user-friendly


A seamless mobile experience is essential, and having a mobile version of a website provides customers with a much better user experience, which has a positive impact on branding and sales.

We live in a rapidly changing world, where continuous technological advances make all kinds of information easily accessible and available at our fingertips. In addition, the desire for instant gratification leaves people constantly in search of information and services, regardless of their location or the type of device used.

Providing direct access to the websites of mobile phone users has become a pervasive priority of most businesses around the world. A seamless mobile experience is essential, and having a mobile version of a website also offers customers a much better user experience, which has a positive impact on branding and sales .

On April 21, 2015, Google launched a massive update to its ranking algorithm, requiring all websites, landing pages, and blogs to be fully optimized for mobile. The Internet has started to revolve around the needs of users, providing relevant and accessible information without touching or zooming.

Optimize for mobile is imperative.

Making your website user friendly is important not only to avoid being penalized by Google. There are a number of excellent reasons to accept.

  • The mobile revolution is still underway. Mobile is now a leading platform for tracking or exceeding the use of desktop computers. According to Google, "the global use of the mobile internet is now 76%."
  • Mobile sites facilitate most online searches. Mobile shoppers today are obsessed with research and want to go further when they are looking for products and services. This is especially true when online shoppers are more familiar with the mobile site or where they need to go directly to the source.
  • Mobile sites can build or break your brand. This is another interesting insight saved by Google data. The credibility of the brand is at stake when it comes to the expectations of a mobile site. If loading your mobile site takes too long, you may have lost a potential customer.

Check your website for readiness.

In addition to creating beautiful seasonal doodles, Google offers many useful tools for businesses and website owners. In particular, they provide a free report in the Google Search Console, the mobile usability report, to help website managers adapt to the latest mobile search algorithm requirements.

Alternatively, Google offers another tool, the Mobile-Friendly Test, which tells you "how easy a visitor can use your page on a mobile device".

Make your mobile site user friendly

If your website is not prepared for mobile indexing first, it will encounter serious SEO problems. Regardless of the style and quality of your landing page, it does not matter if it's not optimized for mobile devices. So, how to convert a website so that it is compatible with mobile devices?

Basically, a mobile version of your site can be developed by rearranging the content elements of your desktop into items compatible with mobile devices. In this case, you will provide a responsive web design that matches the desktop version. In addition, you have other options for creating a site that is compatible with mobile devices. They understand:

  • Canonical AMP. All pages on your site are created in HTML AMP and the mobile version is identical to the desktop site.
  • Separate URLs. Each desktop URL has a sister URL, an m-dot site serving mobile-optimized content. Google prefers to use the mobile URL for indexing, follow these instructions to prepare yourself.
  • Dynamic service. This approach retains the same URL but modifies the HTML code. It uses user agents to detect the type of device being used and dynamically switches the appropriate view.
  • AMP and non-AMP. With this approach, a user sees two different URLs. Google favors the mobile version of the non-AMP URL for indexing. If your non-AMP mobile version uses a dynamic server or separate URLs, study these best practices to fix it.
  • Office only. If your site has only a desktop version, no changes will be made. The mobile version will reflect the desktop version.
  • Adaptive website. This is the most recommended website design method because it does not create two copies of a site, but only one site. Online visitors see only one URL and the website fits when the user makes the transition between devices and screen sizes.

When do users see a website as compatible with mobile devices?

From the viewer's point of view, a responsive website means a fluid experience. It's the same address and the same content, and it fits the player's device, providing an uninterrupted user experience.

Here are four additional tips for creating a mobile friendly website and making it easily accessible:

  • Add a clickable phone number so the consumer can quickly place a call directly from the website page.
  • If applicable, include in your office or store a card that can be opened in the consumer's preferred application.
  • Use easy-to-click buttons and text. Alleviate the anxiety of your customers by using readable text and big buttons that will enhance the overall user experience and increase conversions.
  • Offer the ability to use a keyboard, not the full keyboard, when you ask your users to fill in number fields on mobile forms. This will help your visitors save time and access faster without thinking twice.

A mobile-friendly website benefits everyone.

It may seem that Google loves to give more work to website managers. However, this mobile-based indexing is a positive change and benefits webmasters, Google users, and marketers. Updating your website will take into account how people are looking for information and shopping and will help them find what they are looking for faster. This eliminates friction and helps increase conversions and profits for your business. It's a win-win for everyone.

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