How to run Apple's MacOS on an iPad


For years, one of the greatest desires of iPad owners is that they wish to be able to use Mac software. The iPad is a great device for consuming media, like watching movies or reading books, but a few limitations prevent it from being a real working computer – the main one being that it runs on iOS, instead of a more robust desktop operating system like that of Apple MacOS.

Apple insists that iPads and Mac computers will always be separate devices and that we will never see desktop software on an iPad. Craig Federighi of Apple, responsible for software for Mac and iOS devices, told Wired earlier this year that he "does not care about touch screens on PCs" and fears that # 39, he does not change his mind.

Fortunately, there is a way to experience MacOS on an iPad even without the official blessing of Apple. YouTuber Jonathan Morrison says he saw this unique configuration "surf the Internet this week," and after trying it himself, he filmed how well it worked for everyone.

Here's how Morrison ran MacOS on an iPad Pro and how you can do it too:

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