Huawei Returns to Microsoft Product List – Tech News


Microsoft added Huawei to its list of products on its US website after its first deletion when the US government added Huawei to its list of entities last month.

The penalty forces US companies to seek government approval before embarking on deals with Huawei.

CNBC announced that Microsoft was continuing to sell its current inventory of Huawei laptops, as a result of an assessment of its partnership with Huawei following the US government announcement.

Huawei product list on the Microsoft US website. – screen capture

"We have assessed and will continue to take into account the many commercial, technical and regulatory complexities arising from the recent addition of Huawei to the list of US Department of Commerce Export Administration Regulations entities. As a result, we are resuming the sale of existing inventory of Huawei devices at Microsoft Store, "said a spokesman for Microsoft in a statement to CNBC.

Microsoft also promised to continue providing software updates to existing Huawei devices.

"We remain committed to delivering exceptional customer experiences. Our first assessment of the US Commerce Department's decision regarding Huawei indicated that we could continue to offer Microsoft software updates to Huawei-enabled customers, "said Microsoft.

According to the CNBC report, Microsoft earns revenue when other companies such as Huawei pay Windows licenses for them to use products such as certain software on their devices. Last month, Huawei told CNBC that the company was developing its own operating system for smartphones and laptops.

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