If Facebook crashes or goes off on your phone, here's what to do


We've all been there – the irritating moment when Facebook crashes while you're about to post this spiritual update or finish watching a video.

For those of us using Facebook via the app on our phones this often seems to happen for no apparent reason – and if you're using it to keep in touch with your loved ones or enjoy the # A slight relief, it can be particularly annoying.

But there are ways to tackle the plague of the unexpected crash and our Mirror colleagues have put together some of the best solutions.

So why does this happen and what can you do to stop it?

Why is Facebook crashing?

As with all applications, there is a risk of crashing. If you have not updated for a while or if you do not have the latest version of the phone application or operating system, the connection may cause problems.

If your device is too hot or has memory problems

So, how do you stop crashing on Facebook?

Here are some things you can do to avoid it.

Clear from the space

Look what's on your phone and have a clear idea

It's always good to erase some memory because the lack of Space often plays a role in this kind of problems.

Check your space by looking at the settings of your phone and do some housework by deleting images,


Make sure to use the latest version of the application .

Older versions leave you open to bugs – recent updates have

Check your phone settings to make sure you have the latest software update there. Learn more

Remove and Reinstall

We know that this sounds like the standard computer answer – turn it off and on again – but it often works with Facebook.

On an iPhone on the application until it seems to be shaking.

Click on the cross that appears to allow you to delete it. On Android, you can drop the application to the trash, but you must enter the settings to completely remove Facebook.

Then reinstall the application and start again.

Hard Reset

Hold down the sleep / standby buttons at the same time. After between five and 10 seconds, the application will shut down and restart automatically. Try to reopen it now.


Do not worry, this will not delete anything, but you can reset your application settings and restore the factory default settings.

In the iPhone, go to settings, then general, reset, reset all settings. You will need to add your password to do this.


If you have just installed a new application, this may be in conflict with the Facebook application.

Take a look at what you have installed

  A teenager using a cellphone
A teenager using a cellphone

Disconnect Facebook

Open the application and immediately disconnect. Now go to the device settings and access settings for Facebook. Choose "Delete Account" as it will disconnect Facebook from your device.

Restart the application and reconnect. Go back to your settings and reload your username and password.

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Last resort? Restoring Your Phone or iPad

If you have tried all of the above and it still does not work, it may be a problem with your current device. As a last resort, you can restore your settings. Just be aware that your information and apps will be removed from your device.

You can always back up your phone or tablet first.

I hope this will solve the problem. [19659005] What happens if Facebook is down?

One response to the current application is that the entire Facebook is down. This happens sometimes when the social media platform changes, is updated or there are server problems. Just wait until the problem is solved by Facebook and your application will work well once the normal service has resumed.

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