Instagram using AI to describe photos for visually impaired users


Instagram announced Wednesday the introduction of new features that will make the application easier to use for the visually impaired. The changes will allow screen readers to describe photos, either automatically using AI or by reading custom descriptions added by users.

These descriptions, called "alt text", are widely used online and are now integrated with Instagram. Users will be able to enter their own photo descriptions so that users of screen readers, software describing the items displayed on a screen, can read them aloud as they browse their feed, their Explorer page or their browser. profile.

In the absence of description, Instagram automatically identifies the contents of a photo using object recognition technology, then reads its automated description aloud when someone scrolls it. Alt text descriptions will not be visible and users will need to access the "advanced settings" of a photo to include one.

Although this is a first for Instagram, Facebook uses AI to describe photos intended for blind users for years. This video gives a pretty good idea of ​​the use of the app so far for people who are blind or visually impaired. This is not the most seamless experience, and these new features will certainly make it easier and more useful.

Here's what the new alternative text option on Instagram looks like:

Image: Instagram

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