International Peace Youth Group strives to create a new culture of peace as an alternative to violence and conflict


By Linda Machinga

The International Peace Youth Group (IPYG), an organization that began in 2015, aims to transcend boundaries, races, and religion to unite the hearts and efforts of people in the country. The group consists of 50 volunteers, 8 of whom are the most important members.

According to the coordinator of the Group Branch, Macarios Shimwandi in an interview with the economist, the main purpose of the organization is to create a new culture of peace. alternative for a culture of violence and conflict. He said that this can be done through the implementation of various projects and initiatives.

The organization has a continental page on Twitter that covers all African branches from South to North Africa, and that is how they are able to communicate. The group's representative, Nkanyiso Radebe, said the organization is working with young people and is calling on all young people to change their mindset, Shimwandi said. to be peaceful in their societies and to be responsible in their societies.

" Young people should have a sense of volunteerism, take care of communities and have sustainable development because they believe that young people are the next generation," he said

L & # 39; organization worked with the Regional Youth Council of Okahandja, also collaborated with the Ministry of Information in the various projects. In the Otjozondjupa region, the group led a campaign for youth that promotes responsible driving.

In addition, they worked for peace in Henties Bay and set up a peace committee. of peace of Hentisbay.

The group will work with other women in the entire city and will promote different races, regions and tribes, to work together for the word of peace, added Shimwandi

" At this moment we are trying to promote a declaration of peace and cessation of war to be adopted by the head of state that we urge the president to take into consideration, "he declared

" The State and governments and society to adopt the document Declaration of Peace and End of War, "he added.

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