IPYG wants a veteran of the Korean War at the conference on earth


Young Namibians who joined a global anti-war movement founded by Korean war veteran, Man Hee Lee, went out to invite him to the conference on the earth to come to help find a pacific solution via agrarian reform

The young voices are part of the International Youth Peace Group (IPYG) which entered the country in crusade preaching the message of peaceful resolution of the conflict in order to avoid a potential war in the back of a region grappling with reports of commercial farmers beginning the big trip to countries like Russia fleeing a potential land revolution in South Africa and the verbal threats of evictions forced property belonging to the possessing class in Namibia indicate that a region on the edge.

In light of these facts, the villager testified to the Peace Ambassadors, who made it clear that young people could bear the brunt of the war as pawns in the event of a death penalty. an armed uprising.

believe that even if there was a chance that people will take up arms, it is the younger generation who will fight and that will cause a lot of deaths and will not benefit anyone. We try to bring back a sense of unity among peoples and a culture of peace, "says Macarios Shimwandi.

IPYG has already developed a declaration of peace and cessation of war that contains 10 articles and 38 clauses and they believe that it can end wars.

Shimwali says he wrote peace letters including the Chief Signature's statement of statehood to pledge to the cessation of the war to give peace a chance.

"What are these letters of peace that we are writing to His Excellency, that we are dealing with the most important of the two points that have been highlighted: We, as young people, believe that His Excellency is considering adopting this new legal instrument and they are reviewing this statement, "he added.

He also believes that the upcoming SADC Summit on Promoting Infrastructure and Youth Empowerment for Sustainable Development provides an ideal platform for young people to take charge and forge lasting peace. a prerequisite for all these things to implement. If you want development, you need land and in the context of Namibia, as young people, we look forward to the conference on the land. It's the right platform for President Man Hee Lee to come meet with the Head of State to discuss peace issues. "

Yet, young people continue to be deprived of their rights, the city having recently witnessed if the young people before independence took up arms and won the freedom, that they were not free. what could happen to them if they did the same thing?

"Because of the current status, as young people, we believe that we should advocate for peace. It is we who are in this generation and who identify the problems and problems that young people face and even the organization itself, what it advocates. Beyond saying we want peace, we want lasting peace in our societies, "says Nkanyiso Radebe, peace advocate.

He adds: "We have inherited a world torn apart by inequality and unemployment, so when we look at all these aspects, they are key elements in bringing us to a state of peace. the challenges we face, if we do not get on right now, who will do it? "

" If you look at Namibia, the land issue has been going on for a long time and it has not been solved. A boiling pot What we are trying to do is change people's state of mind, try to engage them in a peaceful dialogue rather than trying to take up arms like the previous generation. "

Although he rightly observes that the youngsters much suffering inflicted upon them, but he thinks that a war mentality would engender chaos.

"At the end of the day, you will kill your brother At the end of the day, the country is boiling," he said.


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