Keetmans youth shed tears over unemployment


Aloysia April, a youth from KEETMANSHOOP, who is part of a group of protesters from Karas who camp in the offices of Governor Lucia Basson, broke down yesterday in tears when she described her grief over her life. To be unemployed.

"You will not understand what it means to be unemployed. I have slept under the trees and in the rain, "she said excitedly at a meeting // the Governor of Karas, Lucia Basson, had reunited.

The purpose of the meeting, which was also attended by high-ranking police officers and local government officials and politicians, was to find a solution to the youth-led occupation triggered by a Cabinet decision ordering government institutions to employ "children of the liberation struggle" to the detriment of the inhabitants.

The unemployed youth have been camping in a tent since last Tuesday to express their dissatisfaction with Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila's response to their petition, which they handed over to Basson almost two weeks ago, calling for the cancellation of the Cabinet Directive. In his response to the petition dated November 16, the Prime Minister stated that the children of the program of struggle for the liberation were not intended to grant a preferential treatment to the "children in difficulty" at the expense of the other young people of Namibia.

She explained that the program would be implemented in an inclusive manner, taking into account the need to ensure equal opportunities in the Namibian civil service.

The youth yesterday reiterated their call for an audience with the prime minister so that she explains what she described as her "narrow-minded" approach.

"The Prime Minister's response is dictated by the circumstances of the" children in struggle ". excludes local youth from opportunities; and he is provocative and narrow-minded, "said Joseph Isaack, who introduced himself as the sympathizer of the protesters.

He added that the youths want an audience in Kuugongelwa-Amadhila, where they stayed in camp so that she could also come to see the difficult conditions in which young people live because of unemployment.

"Drop your lips," he said to Basson.

Basson proposed to the group to write a letter requesting a hearing to the Prime Minister.

The meeting also decided that the protest camp would not be dismantled for the moment.

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