Kerfu supports the government's intention to remove Red Line


The Regional Farmers' Union of East Kavango supports the government's intention to remove the veterinary cordon fence, commonly known as the red line, and wants it to be transferred to Angola .

The union's position on the issue was made public Adolf Muremi, at a press conference Wednesday.

He said the physical removal of the veterinary fence (VCF) should be immediately coupled with the change of laws and policies restricting the movement of livestock and livestock products from the north. "Our union will always support government initiatives to improve the health status of our livestock, as it will give our livestock access to better markets," said Mr. Muremi.

Earlier this month, President Hage Geingob reiterated the government's intention to see the red line removed so that the majority of Namibians would be integrated into the country. Muremi stressed that the union would also like the red line to be moved to the border of Namibia and Angola.

"The removal of the VCF has long been on the agenda, so we do not support those who refuse to be transferred to the border between Namibia and Angola, invoking grazing as a reason, "he said, adding that they think the issue of grazing can be treated separately

. Kavango East and Kavango West, have abundant pastures, but have serious problems with markets for livestock, as well as price discrimination due to the red line, Muremi added.

"With the classification of small commercial farms in Kavango East and West, many farmers practice commercial farming, but face price discrimination as a result of FCV, undermining the investments that they have made in their agricultural enterprises, "reiterated the president

the services of the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forests to complete the construction of Shamangorwa fence to separate disease-prone areas from foot-and-mouth disease

– Nampa

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