Launch of SpaceX CANCELED: Elk Musk's SpaceX eliminates the explosion of a rocket several hours before take-off | Science | New


The mission, named SSO-A: A SmallSat Express, will involve the launch of 64 small satellites in total. It will also propose to Musk, who aims to colonize other planets from Mars, to demonstrate once again the longevity of the rocket. and sustainability. The rocket was scheduled to take off from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California at 13:31 EST (18:31 GMT) before landing on a drone in the Pacific Ocean. However, the company tweeted: "The attempt to launch Spaceflight SSO-A from Vandenberg Air Force Base last Wednesday is doomed to failure due to extremely high-altitude high winds that do not meet the requirements of the scope.

"Vehicles and payloads are in good health. We will announce a new launch date once confirmed with the range. "

The launch was delayed until Saturday, December 1 at the earliest, according to the 30th Space Wing of the US Air Force in Vandenberg, who confirmed on Facebook: "The launch of the SpaceX Falcon 9 SSO-A is delayed due to weather conditions. "

This is the second time the mission has been delayed – an earlier launch attempt on November 19 had been postponed "to conduct additional upstream inspections," according to the company.

If the company eventually succeeds, it will be an important event for Mr. Musk, marking the first launch and landing of a reusable rocket three times, as well as the largest carpool mission shared for a long time. American rocket.

The SpaceX website describes the Falcon 9 as a "two-stage rocket designed and manufactured by SpaceX for the reliable and safe transport of satellites and the orbiting Dragon spacecraft.

He adds, "The Falcon 9 is the first orbital class rocket capable of backlighting. SpaceX believes that the reuse of rockets is the main advance necessary to reduce the costs of access to space and allow people to live on other planets. "

Falcon 9 entered history in 2012 by delivering the Dragon spacecraft into orbit for a rendezvous with the International Space Station, making SpaceX the first commercial company to ever visit the station.

The company's statement adds: "Since then, the Falcon 9 has made numerous space travels, delivering satellites into orbit and delivering and delivering cargoes from the space station to NASA.

"The Falcon 9, as well as the Dragon spacecraft, was designed from the ground up to allow humans to penetrate the space and, under an agreement with NASA, SpaceX is actively working to achievement of this objective. "

Speaking in May, Mr Musk said: "I think Falcon 9 was the world's most launched rocket in 2017.

"If things are going well – great caveat – SpaceX will launch more rockets than any other country in 2018."

he said in 2019, SpaceX planned to launch a Falcon 9 mission, landing on the booster, inspecting it and getting it out in less than 24 hours.

SpaceX has successfully launched more than 50 missions on a Falcon 9 rocket since 2010.

Mr. Musk added: "At the same time last year, we had only five missions in orbit.

"We are on track to double our launch rate for last year, which was a record launch rate for us."

Mr Musk hopes to colonize the red planet over the next hundred years and described his plan as a "safeguard" of humanity in the case of a third world war.

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