Legal timber harvest -! Naruseb


Agriculture Minister Alpheus Naruseb said that harvesting operations in some parts of the country were legal.

Companies or people who cut trees for wood have valid timber permits from his department, the minister told a media event in Windhoek last week.

He added that, although some people had obtained cutting permits, the Ministry had noted several incidents of illegal harvesting taking place in different locations.

These incidents were monitored and handled by the Joint Operations Officers of the Ministry and the Police.

! Naruseb added that officials in all regions are currently monitoring the situation.

"However, given the size and the long distances in our country, additional resources are still needed. And based on lessons learned in recent months, the ministry is reviewing strategies to ensure the availability of resources for these critical operations to prevent illegal logging, "he said.

The director of forestry ministry, Joseph Hailwa, said at the event that more than 500 people had been granted a timber harvesting permit, but had not yet obtained any protection certificates from the forest. ;environment.

Permanent Secretary Percy Misika said that only Namibians with private lands and long-term lease holders on public land were allowed to apply for timber harvesting permits.

Applicants are also required to conduct an assessment of the forest inventory before starting to harvest timber to determine if there are sufficient forest resources to be exploited in a sustainable way for commercial purposes.

Misika added that no company was operating with fake timber permits, but that the license holders were the ones who engaged in illegal activities.

"The majority of permits have been issued in accordance with the law. There is no illegal license. Unfortunately, when people start harvesting, some of them are carrying out illegal activities, and when they are reported to us, we take immediate steps to prevent or stop these activities, "he said, adding that the issuance of timber harvesting permits had been suspended for the time being.

Naruseb said his ministry had issued permits, but his counterpart at the Ministry of the Environment, Pohamba Shifeta, told the National Assembly a few weeks ago that holders of such licenses do not have a license. certificate of environmental authorization.

Under the law, persons or entities wishing to harvest timber in Namibia must be in possession of a timber harvesting permit and an environmental clearance certificate from the Ministries of Agriculture. 39, agriculture and the environment, respectively.

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